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Is A Steam Bath In Your Future? - Articles SurfingWhat is a steam bath? Well the term is used relatively loosely other terms for a steam bath are a steam shower and steam rooms some even consider a sauna a steam bath. The steam shower comes from the fact that most steam baths are actually enclosed shower units. These are great fro the simple fact that they are incorporated with your shower unit. A steam generator is added to produce steam which in tern heats the shower enclosure. Unlike a sauna a steam bath uses a lot of moisture in the air with a reduced temperature compared to a sauna. The beginning and end of a proper steam bath include a cleansing shower in the beginning and a cool down shower to end the steam bath. A steam room is like a large sauna like you would see at a club or health spa again the steam room is heated by steam and uses a lower temperature than a sauna. You should limit yourself t 15 to 20 minute sessions and then cool down with a shower to close your pores. Many claims to health benefits have been claimed over the years and depending on who you listen to they include everything from eliminating stress to weight loss. I am not sure that I agree with any of these claims. I do know however after a steam bath I feel revitalized and ready to greet the fast paced world again. Steam baths have become more popular in recent years as the ability to have one included with your shower unit is appealing as no additional space is required the addition of a steam generator is basically the only additional piece of equipment and the steam generator can be mounted out of site under a cabinet in the basement or attic all that is required is an electric hook up and a water supply. In the shower a steam nozzle and the controls are the only visible addition. Whether your planning on building a new home or are just remolding bathroom you may want to consider adding a steam bath not only will it add to the value of your home you will have the use of it with out taking up any additional floor space like a sauna or a spa also there is almost no additional maintenance unlike a spa.
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