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Is Anxiety And Stress Making You Wiser? ' Or Are You Unwise? - Articles SurfingAre your anxiety and stress levels affecting how you think, create, or analyze? Did you actually know that your stress or anxiety can change your ability to make good decisions? Your brain is a collection of wires that require a good flow of energy through them, to function well. Under any stress or anxiety situation your energy levels drop or accelerate. This will create a change in your 'brain wiring', resulting in possible malfunction. Notice when you are under stress ' decisions are harder to make, you seem to make more errors in tasks that are usually performed simply or even automatically. Stress and anxiety are creatures that can actually increase stress and anxiety, just because of their effect on your brain and its' functions. Can you see the problem developing? Have you noticed that you are always asked to make important decisions when the stress and anxiety levels are peaking? You have had that big meeting, the problems are on the table, the stress and anxiety levels in each participant are high ' and then they say 'Okay Jones ' make a decision'. Do you really think the decision you make will be a good one? The anxiety and stress have scrambled your brain and the parts of the problem will be confused and unsettled. The information blurred and your decision has a good chance of being incorrect ' or at least not as good as it could be. Your creative flare is dead, the analytical brain can't analyze correctly and as a result your stress an anxiety levels will go even higher. And now ' can you see the answer? There are times that you need to make a decision in the heat of the moment. There will be meetings, deadlines and other times when the stress and anxiety levels will be high ' and you will be asked to make a decision. Your creative thoughts, your analytical mind and your decisive brain will be tested. The answer to the problem is this ' If you want to make better decisions, to increase your creative flare, to be able to analyze facts and figures and come up with the correct answers ' you need to be stress and anxiety free. You need to use ways to eliminate stress and anxiety before the stressful meetings etc occur. It is the day to day small things you do that make the biggest changes. You should plan each day to remove stress and anxiety from your life. Take breaks, have more fun, use techniques to eliminate stress now ' then you will be ready for the larger more stressful times. Stress and anxiety relief is no different to a fitness program. If you want to run a marathon you do not expect to wait until the event to be able to run it. You train for months or even years to gain the fitness so when you turn up and run a marathon ' it is not too hard on your body or mind. You actually enjoy it. Stress and anxiety are the same. If you gain a stress and anxiety fitness by doing techniques each day (only for a few minutes each day) then you will build up a resistance to all the anxiety and stress events in your life. Then and only then will those deadlines, meetings, decision times, or creative brainstorms ' be done with the calm and poise you need to make the ideal decisions or answers. Anxiety and stress will not affect your abilities or decisions.
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