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Is Colon Cleansing For You - Articles SurfingIntroduction Colon detox is the process of clearing toxins from the body or neutralizing or transforming them, and clearing excess mucus and congestion. As with all colon cleanse therapies, a herbal colon detox is helped along by healthy (but not excessive) intake of water and a colon-cleansing diet rich in grains, fruit and vegetables for long-term colon health. Another advantage of a colon detox is it aids in the absorption and production of vitamins and enzymes, ensuring the processes are carried out correctly. More specifically, colon detox is the practice of removing pollutants, chemicals, parasites, and old fecal matter from the colon. Your Health Recent reports suggest that over 90% of diseases in the USA are directly or indirectly related to an unhealthy colon. Colon is one of the most important parts of our body which affects us either directly or indirectly. Your health is governed by your digestive system and a 'spring clean' colon detox provides your body with extra help to cope with any increased load. If the build up of toxins becomes too much for the colon to deal with it has many negative effects including, ill health, malnutrition and it also plays a part in food intolerance. The surprise will come when you find out just how important and necessary it is for you to keep the colon clean if you want to have good health. Liver Detox Good health is impossible without proper function of the liver. Ultimately, the liver detox may be the single most important thing you can do to improve your health. Of all the things you can do in alternative health, the liver detox is probably one of the most important in terms of achieving maximum health in today's environment. The liver is the main detoxifying organ of the body; it works by filtering out and/or neutralizing dangerous drug residues and poisons from the blood and then passing them out of the body through the colon via the bile duct. Better Diet To begin with, a healthy body requires a better diet. You need to reduce the liver stressors in your diet. Garlic is antibacterial and antifungal helping to eliminate harmful organisms will promote the reestablishment of healthy intestinal flora. Once you switch to a better diet you'll start feeling healthier. Most healthy foods are rich in both nutrients and fiber. Eat twice as many vegetables as you would have in your usual diet. With a simple change in diet, you'll no longer feel constipated, abdominal pain, rectal pain and bloating. Conclusion Even during the days of Hippocrates, keeping the colon clean was a part of the health care system. A healthy body is better at eliminating waste than an unhealthy body. Detoxing colon ensures lesser instances of constipation and greater general health condition. Whether a colon detox is achieved with diet, medications, or a clinical procedure, it's important to understand that colon detox is a considerable undertaking that should not be overdone.
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