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Is Fat Bad? - Articles SurfingWhile no one should eat an unlimited amount of fat, a certain amount of fat is required for the absorption of certain nutrients. I would highly recommmed that people try to reduce the amount of unhealthy fats such as saturated fats and in turn ensure they consume more healthy fats such as monounsaturated fats. What are monounsaturated fats? These are commonly referred to as the healthy fats. These fats have been shown to have a benefit against heart disease and may assist in lowering cholesterol. Monounsaturated fats are also thought to ward off different types of cancers such as breast cancer and colon cancer. They are typically high in Vitamin E. A really good source would be olive oil, Canola (rapeseed) oil, avocados, almonds, and also peanuts. The best source, I believe, is cold pressed olive oil. It is best kept in a cool and dark place to ensure it doesn't go rancid. You'll notice that although a lot of margarines coming out state that they are not hydrogenated, although they maintain a certain solid consitency at room temperature. I think this is a good reason to avoid them because there certainly is a certain amount of chemical manipulation going on in order to ensure they remain solid. You should also consider Omega -3 fatty acids! Omega-3 fatty acids are a form of polyunsaturated fats, one of four basic types of fat that the body derives from food. (Cholesterol, saturated fat, and monounsaturated fat are the others.) Traditional">All polyunsaturated fats, including the omega-3s, are increasingly recognized as important to human health. According to the American Heart Association, research has shown that these fats can reduce the risk of Cardiovascular disease by decreased risk of arrhythmias, which can lead to sudden cardiac death; decrease triglyceride levels; decrease growth rate of atherosclerotic plaque; lower blood pressure (slightly)
So with all that said, I'm sure you can appreciate that you can consume certain type of fat and fatty acids without feeling guilty. Now you know what type of fat to look for.
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