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Is Hypertension Caused By St Johns Wort? - Articles SurfingFor hundreds of years now St Johns Wort has been used in various different cultures for the treatment of many health problems. However it is better known for its use in helping to treat either mild or moderate cases of depression. But is hypertension caused by St Johns Wort, as people have speculated or not? St Johns Wort, which is derived from the yellow flowering hedgerow plant, contains a natural compound (hypericin) that has been used for centuries to soothe and calm a person's nerves. It is considered particularly good for reducing anxiety levels as well as balancing the nervous system and helps people who suffer from excitability. Also it seems that the positive effects of hypericin on the nervous system may well be beneficial in helping to treat other symptoms that are caused by the menopause. Continue reading to discover how you can sign up to the Free relieving high blood pressure newsletter, full of natural methods to relieve hypertension. The actual compound hypericin was separated from St Johns Wort in 1942 and has been used from that time onwards as a anti-depressant for the treatment of people who are having emotional problems. However, St Johns Wort may cause a person's blood pressure to rise as the compound found within it is similar to other kinds of monoamine oxidase (MAO) inhibitors which cause powerful reactions to occur within the body with the amino acid known as Tyramine. This interaction with Tyramine can be a problem if a person has high blood pressure, and so it is recommended that if a doctor agrees to St Johns Wort being taken then foods that are high in Tyramine should be avoided. These include: 1. Wort">All smoked, dried, aged, pickled and processed fish and meats In Germany where the majority of the studies into the effects of St John's Wort have taken place, they have found little risk of elevated blood pressure from a normal dose St Johns Wort. However, checks should be made with the doctor prior to taking the supplement, as there are potentially other interactions that can occur. It is recommended that if a person does take St John's Wort then they have their blood pressure checked on a regular basis to see if there is an impact, and also those foods that are rich in Tyramine are avoided. Usually, by following these simple steps a person should be able to prevent hypertension caused by St Johns Wort from occurring.
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