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Is Hypnotherapy The Answer For Weight Loss - Articles SurfingWeight loss can be hard to achieve with all the demands modern life makes on people. No wonder men, women and even children are increasingly eating on the run. The standard western diet (known appropriately as S.A.D.) is high in sugar, fat, simple carbohydrates and of course chemical additives. This diet is making people fat and triggering an epidemic of diabetes and other related illnesses. On top of this, people are actually moving less. The average person is busy and stressed but is not physically exercising enough. Stress is a significant factor in making poor lifestyle decisions and can lead to bad habits. Individuals who have gained weight know they have to change what they are doing, but motivation is hard to find when the pressure just keeps piling on. They probably wish that somebody else (with good diet and exercise habits) could live inside their body for a little while to help get things moving in the right direction. This is where hypnosis can help. That new person living inside their body can actually be them! Hypnosis works at a subconscious level by directly giving suggestions to the subconscious mind. Positive suggestions that encourage weight loss work at a subconscious level to create new beliefs, values and habitual thinking so that the client is able to naturally make healthier decisions. Hypnosis encourages a healthy lifestyle change which leads to natural weight loss. This is why it is so effective. Diets have been shown to be ineffective in the long term whereas changing your diet and exercise habits permanently leads to positive weight loss results. Hypnosis suggestions for weight loss usually include motivation encouragement and confidence building statements as well as specific directions to create a healthier lifestyle. Hypnosis sessions also usually use visualization guidance to help the client 'see' themselves at their ideal weight and to 'feel' how great that feels. This sets them up for success. If a person can believe they can lose weight, they can. Unfortunately, many people have tried countless diets and failed and, as a result, they have lost confidence in themselves and in their ability to take the weight off and keep it off. Hypnosis for weight loss focuses on how individuals will feel when they lose the weight, their competency to do so, and on the process of creating a new healthy lifestyle that they will enjoy. Hypnosis works differently with different people. Some people respond very quickly to the suggestions and make long lasting changes quickly, thereby obtaining faster weight loss results. Others, on the other hand, take longer and need more sessions to retrain the subconscious mind and change their beliefs about themselves, what they are capable of and what they really want to do. To effectively change their lifestyle, people have to really want to do it. Individuals who use hypnosis in order to lose weight will find it offers a range of additional health benefits not directly related to weight loss. Hypnosis calms the mind, the nerves and the whole body. It alleviates anxiety and releases stress. The suggestions give confidence and build self esteem which will support every area of the client's life. People who use hypnosis for a specific reason, often find a host of unexpected benefits. The gentleness of the process also makes it a safe, positive and easy way to help a child or teenager who is struggling with excess weight. Hypnosis for weight loss is not magic but it can have some magical results. As a practicing hypnotherapist, I have helped a great many clients lose weight and keep it off. If you have tried to lose weight and failed and genuinely want powerful help to achieve your goals, I recommend you seek the services of a qualified hypnotherapist who is convenient to your location.
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