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Is Illegal HGH Worth All The Trouble? - Articles SurfingHGH also known as human growth hormone is all over the news at the moment; because of its effect on aging symptom it has become a highly desired product. However due to its cost and the legalities of obtaining it, HGH is not at the grasp of most people. Currently it is illegal to obtain HGH in the US without a prescription; and it is also illegal to prescribe it for anti aging reasons. To meet this need many foreign pharmacies have started to target US consumers and of course the Chinese are beating everyone in price. Jintropin the Chinese HGH is probably one of the cheapest Somatropin (human Growth hormone) products out there. Compared to the western brands the quality of Chinese HGH is supposed to be the same, however, there is no way to know for sure, since no Chinese made hgh is licensed in the US and as far as we know anywhere else but china. Because of the huge discount; we are talking about 60% or more Chinese hgh becomes a very desirable product regardless of the risks involved. In fact, the price is so low it has become affordable to most, whereas a name brand Somatropin product is only affordable to wealthier individuals. Gensci the manufacturer of Jintropin seems to be well respected in china but what I found puzzling is that they don't have a credit card payment option online to buy their product, which means you take all the risk by sending your money via western union. There have been many cases when people did send the money but never received anything or received counterfeit products instead. On the official Jintropin site now they have a verification tool to verify whether the Jintropin in your hand is genuine or not; they also warn that they can guarantee the quality of the product only if it is ordered directly from them. Sending 1600 dollars to china over western union to pay for Jintropin is very risky; as far as western union is concerned you have no legal recourse to recover your money if you don't get the Jintropin in return for your payment. Also there a possibility that the Jintropin might get stopped at customs as it is illegal to receive such product from other countries via mail. There has been reports of people suffering allergic reactions known as spider bites that are rarely seen with Somatropin made in FDA approved labs. The most disturbing rumor is the one about Somatropin not being made from the use of bacteria but rather from pituitary glands harvested from cadavers. Because of the risks and cost involved in obtaining HGH injections it would be advisable to first consider hgh supplements as a first step in any anti Aging program. A good HGH supplement can stimulate the pituitary gland into making more HGH without any side effects. Only HGH supplements backed by 100% money guarantee should be tried. In fact some manufacturers are offering free hgh samples for anyone to try.
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