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Is Losing Weight Without Supplements A Fantasy? - Articles SurfingYou have to almost be a genius to work out how all the weight loss advice available, even for free, fits in together. Its just so contradictory and confusing. There seems to be different groups all with their own agendas trying to push their point of view because there is something in it for them. If you go the diet programs, almost all of them will tell you that you should not take any supplements ' that supplements are evil. If you go to some exercise programs or supplement companies, they'll push the supplements at you claiming that you've got no chance of losing any weight unless you get the supplement they sell or recommend. So what is the truth? How can you see past their bias and make the right decision for you? To make a logical decision, you've got to take a step back and remember how you, or anyone loses weight. There is only one rule: You have to spend more calories per day than you eat. That's it. You do that, and no matter what anyone tries to say to you, or to sell you, you will lose weight. Therefore, whenever someone gives you advice, always keep that rule in mind, because if their advice doesn't stack up with that formula, say thanks but no thanks to them, and move on. So you should also keep this in mind when you approach the subject of supplements. So, do you really need them? Of course you don't. If you can cook your meals on a diet that also has enough nutrition to keep all of your organs healthy, you don't have to worry about it. By ensuring your body is operating at full capacity you give yourself the best chance of healthy weight loss, which is really what you want to aim for. The problem is that if you are like most people, you are really busy. It is very hard for you to prepare whole food meals for every meal you take. Often you are on the road, or at work, and you need to eat something while you are not at home. This is where supplements, used smartly can really help you out. Now before I go further, you should understand the difference between supplements and drugs. Drugs are products that change the bio-chemistry in your body in a way that can't be done by eating natural foods. So taking drugs leaves you with a much greater chance of developing a a raft of potential side effects that you do not want to suffer. Therefore, I don't recommend you take any drugs (unless prescribed by your doctor for medication). Supplements, on the other hand, are products that are designed to replace natural foods. So for example, if you are in a position where you know you are going to be out for the whole day, and you want to avoid fast food, you might take a meal replacement powder to give you the calories in the correct nutritional quantities so that you stick to your plan. In summary, supplements are simply there to ensure you get the nutrition that is left out by what you eat. It is not their to create an artificial reaction inside your body. You would take supplements to ensure your body did not miss out on any of the vital enzymes or nutrients it needs for you to be at your best. So is it useful to consider supplements? I believe so, because realistically it is very hard, with the lives we lead to follow a strict diet and remain sane. Now please note that just because I think you should consider supplementing, I'm not saying you should be taking them all the time. In fact, I'm almost saying the opposite. Try and get as much of your nutrition from whole foods that you prepare yourself. What ever you can't get this way, you should consider supplementing to ensure your body does not miss out. You should also realize that not all supplements are created equal. For example, a lot of people lack good fats in their diet, so their doctor might advise them to take some fish oil tablets on a regular basis. Compare this to the meal replacement powder I talked about above, and you should be able to see that you shouldn't be having a meal replacement powder every day. You should only reserve them for when you truly cannot prepare the meal you need to follow your eating plan. So should you use supplements or not? You should now be able to answer this question yourself. Only use supplements if you find it impossible to get the nutrients you lack from your normal diet. You should also always consult your doctor before starting any supplementation to ensure it is right for you.
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