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Is Our Health Care System Broken? - Articles SurfingSome have mentioned that we should rename our system of health care to sick care. I tend to agree. How many friends and family do we all know who have visited their doctor many times and after several prescriptions, have realized they are just getting sicker. It seems that the medical profession knows how to treat their symptom with a new drug, but when we take the drug and then read the side effects of that drug we end up with a whole new batch of sickness and symptoms. Where did our problem start from in the first place? Example, when we get a headache our body is trying to tell us there is a problem. The headache is just a symptom. Where is the root of the problem? The sad fact is that you never hear your doctor ask, how is your diet. Are you a chocoholic? Do you eat a balanced meal? Do you get enough vitamins and minerals in your diet? Do you drink 3 cans or more of diet pop a day? Do you eat pork? Do you use margarine or butter? These are just a few things that should be asked. Lack of proper nutrition is the main reason people get sick and your body will let you know that fact with many symptoms. With the vast amount of information at our fingertips on the Internet about nutrition, it amazes me that we don't know God's simple plan on how to heal ourselves. A fact that has been published for many years is that the foods we eat do not have the proper amount of minerals our body is craving. We must supplement our diet. It is imperative that we put the building blocks of life back into our bodies. God does not want you to be sick. STAY TUNED many facts and solutions will be coming! Ted Salonica
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