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Is The Weight Loss Patch Safe To Use? - Articles SurfingWeight loss patches have sprung up across the country in the past few years claiming to help you lose inches and pounds with no sweat- literally. However, it sounds too good to be true, is it? Yes and no. The weight loss patch can help increase your metabolism as do many other diet pills and shakes. However, it is not an overnight cure-all magic potion that will bring drastic results in days. Transdermal System The patch delivers its weight loss ingredients through a transdermal process which means that it is directly absorbed by the skin rather than having to go through the liver as would anything being ingested orally. But does this fact make the weight loss patch safe? Not necessarily, because the ingredients may react with some other medication you may be taking or some other condition that you have. Even though manufacturers claim that the weight loss patch is made up of all-natural ingredients, even herbal products can have contraindications with prescription and over the counter medication. The second and perhaps more important reason why the weight loss patch may not be such a great idea is that it puts you off the hook. You feel like you have your weight loss goals under control by just slapping on a patch every few days. You may end up eating more and exercising less (if at all) because of the peace of mind and so-called assurance given by the product. You may lose initial 'water pounds' which is basically just getting rid of the water retention in your body, but it may yo-yo back once you get off the weight loss patch. Skin Irritation In addition, redness or irritation on the site of application is one of the most oft-cited complaints with any sort of patch whether it is for quitting smoking or losing weight. Some patches need to be changed every day and you need to find a new hair-free area to put it on every day. The biggest give away for the weight loss patch and similar products is that it is not FDA approved which means the manufacturers do not have to abide by any government regulations or accountability. And if this isn't scary enough, the price tag will be. On average, a months supply of patches cost over $50 and if the websites give you substantial discounts for buying six months supply, it may make you think, why would I need such a miracle product for such a long time!
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