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Attracting Good Health - Articles Surfing

If you've been feeling under the weather, there might be a number of factors at work. You might be tired, stressed, or simply just the victim of whatever is going around at the current moment. And while most of us are going to be sick on occasion, if you find that your health is less than you'd like it to be, you might want to turn to Feng Shui to help. In addition to the advice of a doctor, altering the energy of your life can begin to cure whatever ails you.

Finding the Center of Yourself

According to Feng Shui, the health area of your home is the center part of each room of your house as well as of the house as a whole. As such, the first step toward improving your health energy is to look at these areas of your home and your office. What's there? Are there things that are cluttering up this area and preventing energy from flowing? Are there items that are broken or plants that are dying? Those certainly aren't attracting positive energy. Take the time too to remove any heavy objects from the centers of your rooms as these can weigh down your energy and make it hard for your body to release illness and disease.

You will also want to make sure you are removing anything that might be seen as negative in your environment. Whether this means pictures that don't make you happy or items that you've held onto because someone else gave them to you * you need to rid yourself of everything that doesn't make you smile. Attracting good and healthy energy starts with surrounding yourself with things that make you feel good about yourself.

Restoring Your Health and Maintaining Your Energy

The first thing you need to do in order to make sure you stay healthy is to ensure that energy * good positive energy * is always able to enter your space. Keep your front door free of obstacles and make sure the door itself can be seen from the street. Take away any metals that might be in your bedroom as these can attract too much energy, which is just as bad as too little energy. You spend most of your life in your bedroom, so this is an important area to cleanse of unwanted energies.

Take a multi-faceted crystal and hang one from the center of your bedroom as well as any other rooms you spend a lot of time in. This will help to disperse energy throughout the space, keeping it from getting too concentrated in one area. If you can, add a natural mattress to your bed so that you are being supported by natural fibers that are energetically positive. Your home should be bright and welcoming. Make sure the centers of all of your rooms are bright with light. This attracts healthy energy.

Plants are another positive way to add healthy energy to your home and to your body. Choose plants like spider plants or ferns for the best effect. Chimes or bells can also help to break up congested energy in your space, so take some time to decorate with these or to ring them to dissipate energy. Yellows and greens are best to use for healing and for health in rooms.

No matter what else you do, choosing to take action for your health is the most positive step you can make for yourself. And with Feng Shui, you know you are attracting all the healing help you need.

Submitted by:

Candace Czarny, CFM, ASID, LEED AP, Feng Shui Expert

Candace Czarny, ASID,CFM, LEED AP, "Award Winning" Certified Interior Designer and Feng Shui Expert. http://www.ArtOfPlacement.com is continually ranked "Top 10" in Google and Yahoo. Clients testify of dramatic results!



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