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Here's How Can Seniors Maintain Financial Independence - Articles Surfing

Senior adults all across the country are enjoying greater financial security and independence provided by the government-insured reverse mortgage program. This innovative program enables homeowners 62 years of age and older to convert a portion of their home's equity into tax free funds with no repayment for as long as they live in their home. Older homeowners no longer need to compromise their standard of living in order to keep up with rising costs.

Many senior Americans are finding that their *golden years* are not very golden. Property taxes, medical expenses, home maintenance, energy cost and other living expenses keep going up!

Rising property taxes are squeezing retirees who have lived in the same house for 20, 30, or 40 years. For many retirees, it takes two full months of saving to pay their rising property taxes. With seniors starting to receive tax bills, the levies are crushing them. Assessments in some areas have climbed 9 to10 percent for several years in a row when housing prices were rising. It's unfortunate but a great many senior adults are losing their homes because they can no longer afford to pay their property taxes. Kaye Financial Corporation, one of the most respected top reverse mortgage lenders in Michigan, has assisted many homeowners faced with this property tax burden and would like to do the same for you.

Most senior adults are on a fixed income, and it can be a real challenge just to make ends meet each month. Sometimes it can mean making a decision between cutting back on food or medicine. However, thanks to the reverse mortgage seniors can now supplement their retirement income.

A reverse mortgage is a safe financial option for many senior homeowners that provide a more comfortable retirement and the ability to remain in their home for life. This financial resource has the potential to dramatically increase the ability of seniors to pay for long term care at home. Cash advances from the program can be structured to best fit a senior's needs by either receiving funds monthly, all at once, establishing a line-of-credit, or a combination of the above.

Many senior adults find it difficult qualifying for a traditional loan. With reverse mortgages there are no income, health, asset, credit or employment qualification standards required.

Seniors utilize their reverse mortgage funds to pay property taxes, medical expenses, or to pay off their existing mortgage and eliminate their monthly mortgage payment. Reverse mortgages enable senior adults to gain financial security and maintain independence, and realize peace of mind.

Key Points

1. Continue to live in your home, own the home and hold title to your home.
2. Funds received from a reverse mortgage are tax-free.
3. Cash disbursement payment options are flexible.
4. Repay the loan at any time without penalty
5. You and your heirs have no personal liability to the repayment of the loan since it is secured solely by your home.
6. No monthly payments.
7. Your reverse mortgage advances will not affect your Social Security or Medicare benefits.
8. You can remain in your home for as long as you like, provided you make your real estate property tax and insurance payments.
9. When the reverse mortgage must be paid, you or your heirs can either pay the balance due and keep the home in the family, or sell the home and use the proceeds to pay off the reverse mortgage.

The *Four Nevers* of Reverse Mortgages:

The borrower:

NEVER makes a payment, NEVER gives up title, NEVER is forced to move, and NEVER will owe more than the home's value.

The Best Is Yet To Come

A great reverse mortgage company will review your goals and objectives and determine if a reverse mortgage is a viable option for you. They will also provide the highest level of customer service available in the industry. The average time from application to closing is 5-6 weeks (most companies are running 7-10 weeks) This can be critical, especially if you are in foreclosure or bankruptcy.

The best part of getting a reverse mortgage is the tremendous amount of relief you'll feel. Getting under the umbrella of sound protection is the real value and benefit. You will experience a feeling of power and independence. No longer will you have to rely on your sons and daughters to take care of you in your later years. You get to keep your home and will have money to pay for all of the extras every month.

Submitted by:

Kaye Reverse

Kaye Reverse takes care of Reverse Mortgages for its many senior clients in Michigan. To see if a reverse mortgage is right for you and you are a Michigan homeowner log onto: http://www.kayereverse.com/dvd.html and get the FREE DVD.



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