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Article Surfing ArchiveNatural Anti-Aging Formula Against Bacteria And Viruses? - Articles SurfingNormal aging is accompanied by several physical changes in the body, including decreased muscle mass, increased fat mass, and a decrease in bone density. While the physiological processes behind these changes are very complex and not completely understood, it is now known with absolute certainty that they are governed, at least in part, by the presence of growth hormone (GH) in the body. This knowledge has triggered a lot of research in recent years, reflecting both scientific enthusiasm and public interest in the possibility of manufacturing human growth hormone for use as an anti-aging formula. The results of this research can be summed up like this: we now know with absolute certainty that hormones are tricky, and that supplementation with growth hormone to stop or reverse aging can have contradictory and even harmful consequences. This has changed the focus of research and interest from GH to more natural anti-aging treatments. Of all of these, colostrum has proven to be a superior anti-aging formula in many ways. The reason for this seems to be that colostrum addresses not only the physical signs and symptoms of aging, but also the underlying processes that hasten their arrival with age. Colostrum's ability to thwart the outward signs of aging stems from hormone-like substances called growth factors. There are several growth factors in colostrum*including the growth hormone GH*and together they show many of the anti-aging properties of growth hormone therapy, with none of its harmful side effects. The regenerative abilities of colostrum's growth factors extend to nearly all structural cells in the body*they directly regulate processes that increase lean muscle mass, metabolize fat for fuel, stimulate cellular and tissue growth and repair, and repair damage caused by injury and disease. In fact, we now know that the growth factors in bovine colostrum stimulate the formation of DNA, making them essential for the survival of every cell in the body. This is all good news, but colostrum's superiority as an anti-aging formula is not limited to the activities of its growth factors. In addition to growth factors, colostrum contains several immune factors that provide a natural immunity against bacteria and viruses, and allow us to rely less on the use of antibiotics. This ability of immune factors to replenish antibody stores and boost immune response gives colostrum even greater potential as an anti-aging formula. Immune factors aid immune system function without irritating or damaging the digestive system, and without altering or weakening the immune response. Together with colostrum's growth factors, they restore health to the gastrointestinal tract by healing damaged tissues and providing adequate local immunity where pathogens enter the body. This means that colostrum supplementation not only prevents a decline in our ability to fight infection and disease, but also prevents further damage to our muscles, skin, and cartilage caused by gastrointestinal disorders that can affect tissues and organs throughout the body. In this way, colostrum supplementation affects the outward signs of aging by healing the inward problems that often accelerate it. There is no other substance that can do this, and that's what makes colostrum is a superior anti-aging formula. For more information on Bovine Colostrum, Goto : http://www.BuyBovineColostrum.com
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