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Article Surfing ArchiveStress, Not Age, Is The Big Bad Wolf For Your Skin - Articles SurfingAs you approach middle age, that period between 40 and 60 years old, the reality of aging will finally sink in and tell you that you just don't look and feel the same as when you were in your twenties or thirties. These physical changes, more often unwelcome, generally come with age; but other factors are also instrumental in bringing about these transformations. And the most obvious victim of any change in your body is your skin. Just take a look at the mirror and you will find wrinkles and creases on your face. The back of your hand is now filled with liver spots and more lines. And if you are like some people, these unsightly appearances on your skin are enough to make you feel depressed. But, suddenly you will realize that there are cosmetic products available to help you reverse or delay the effects of aging on your skin. So you rush to your nearest beauty bar or log on to your favorite online store and buy all the lotions and salves you can afford. The next thing you know, you are applying all the cosmetic products on your skin. And then you wait for days that extend to weeks or even months; after all, you believe that removing all the unwanted spots on your skin involves sticking to a routine with utmost discipline. But still nothing happens, so what's wrong? Should you surrender to the forces of aging? You feel helpless and terrible; at the same time you feel that the entire cosmetic industry pulled a fast one on you because their products did not erase your skin problems. Well, your skin conditions when you reach the age of forty can be influenced not just by the aging process but your lifestyle as well. Surely, you have heard that improper diet, lack of exercise, and bad habits like cigarette smoking can damage your skin tissues even without the impact of aging. But are you aware that there is one big factor that can affect your skin which you often overlook? It is called stress; which you may have a lot as you enter middle age. Stress can damage your skin faster than the years you lived. Skin experts have found that the skin is very sensitive to the level of stress that you feel. This is the reason why, for younger people, pimples and other skin problems tend to appear the night before special events like weddings and proms. The same stress-skin connection is also at play when you experience an improved skin condition each time you visit a spa to unwind or go for a vacation to relax. The link between stress and having damaged skin lies in the hormones that your body produces whenever you are under stressful conditions. You see, hormones like adrenaline and cortisol are released by your system to help you in times of danger. But on the downside, these brain chemicals can lower your immune system and cause unwanted skin reactions. A healthy immune system is vital for your skin's health. With all the toxins in your body, a diminished immune system can allow antioxidants to destroy various cells without restraint, most particularly to your skin cells. What happens next is the appearance of wrinkles and age spots among others. Prolonged stress and anxiety can be dangerous to your overall well-being. But nowhere in the body can the effects of stress be more obvious except on your skin. And being in the midlife years does not help at all. So, if you want to improve your skin and maintain its youthful look despite your age, you better deal with your stress first. After undergoing an effective stress management, you will find that cosmetic products will be more responsive to the needs of your skin.
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