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Want To Look Younger And More Attractive? Here's How! - Articles Surfing

The skin around your eyes is among the first areas of your body that become weak and susceptible to breakdown of tissues. But it is ironic that most people are more focused on having smoother skin on their cheeks, forehead and chin. If you really want a more attractive appearance on top of a healthier younger-looking skin, you need to put some tender loving care on your eye area; here are a few important pointers.

Aim For Quality Sleep Every Night

If you really want to have beautiful eyes and skin, then you need to ensure at least eight hours of deep sleep every night. If you are anxious about certain issues at work or at home, you can always pop a non-addictive sleeping pill to get yourself into sleeping mode. Or if you want, you can permeate your bedroom with essential oils that can help you sleep.

A good quality sleep allows your body to relax and focus on repairing damaged tissues. As a result, your skin will be radiant and feeling soft in the morning. Sleep is indeed the best beauty regimen and nothing can be more basic than that.

Moisturize Your Eyes Before You Sleep

The skin that surrounds your eyes is very thin and delicate. Because of this, you need to give it more nourishment. By applying moisturizer every night, you increase its resistance to dirt, toxins and even aging. Choose moisturizers that are made for the eyes.

Take Off Your Makeup Every Night

Makeup is a necessity for many of today's busy career women. But it should not be an excuse for allowing makeup to ruin the skin on your face, particularly in the eye area. This is why, every night, you need to religiously take off your makeup.

The usual makeup product that you apply on your eyes is mascara. To take it off, you need a good facial wash and makeup remover. Never try to remove mascara by violently rubbing your eyes; otherwise, you will wake up in the morning without your natural eye lashes.

Say No To Alcohol

Remember all those drinking sprees when you were in college? If you do, you will also remember that those escapades brought you nothing but dark under eye circles. So now that you are trying to attain or maintain a spot-free skin around your eyes, it is always best to say no to alcohol.

If you can not resist whiskey and beer, at least try to restrict the number of bottles or shots you take. If this is such a punishment for you, then do it for beauty's sake.

Keep Out The UV Rays Off Your Orbs

The sun's ultraviolet rays can wreak havoc on your skin, particularly on the delicate areas like your eyes. Always try to avoid direct sunlight especially between 10AM and 3PM. The best way to shield your eyes from UV rays is wearing quality sunglasses. Of course, you also need to apply sunscreen not only on your eye area but on all the exposed parts of your body.

In the same note, you should also avoid staring at your computer screen continuously for long hours. Try to look away from the monitor every ten to fifteen minutes. The radiation from your computer screen, or TV for that mater, can strain your eyes and affect the skin that surrounds it over time.

Truly, having beautiful eyes is important for your overall appearance. The sad thing is that the skin on your eye area is the first to exhibit the effects of aging and any other damages.

Submitted by:

Janet Martin

Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.thearticleinsiders.com.



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