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Article Surfing Archive15 Reasons to Convert Your Car to Burn Water - Articles SurfingThere has been a lot of news lately surrounding converting your car to run on water, as a supplement to gasoline. The technology to run cars on Hydrogen (which is derived from water) is proven, but the information to do so is usually expensive and hard to find. That is until now. And if you are not aware of water for gas technology by now, you soon will be. It may sound too good to be true but it is. You can be sure that people like you are now using water for gas to help their engines run better all around the world! In fact, there have been literally thousands of successful water conversions made to automobiles around the world! Interestingly, industry insiders say that it's just a matter of time before this technology will be standard in new vehicles. Experts estimate most cars will be using this technology by 2011, but until the automakers catch up, you can start using this technology today! The sad truth is that this simple but effective technology is more than 90 years old. The benefits of water for gas are equal to none, yet most people are not aware. This is because the technology was not promoted in spite of its simplicity and effectiveness. Why? GREED need I say more? Think what a change to both finances and the environment it would make if all of us turned to using water to run our Cars and other engines. It requires just a little electricity from a battery to turn a small quantity of water into a clean energy that helps save the planet and its inhabitants including you and your family. The reasons to convert your car include: - Save money on Gas I know that this will help you. I was impressed when I set this up in my cars. My 1990 Lexus LS 400 (V8) requires premium to run. Well guess what I only use regular unleaded gas. The car pinged smelled very bad and only got 19 mpg, which I guess is not that bad compared to today's models. So after my first test-drive I was happy to see that I got 29.88 mpg. The engine ran cooler, no more pings, more power, and of coarse better gas mileage.
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