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Cheap Gas * Where to Get It - Articles Surfing

Cheap gas is on everyone's mind as oil prices force us all up with our backs against the wall. You do need to drive to work and take the kids to school but your income is probably not growing to match rising gas prices.

What to do? There is no such thing as free gas...

It seems there is no way out. But just as the need is highest, help is at hand. It is possible to do something about the situation.

The answer is two-fold: fuel-efficiency technology and your way of thinking.

Cheap Gas Technology You Can Access Now

No, I'm not going to tell you to buy a hybrid car. You would probably have bought one by now if you could afford one. They can certainly increase your mileage. But,"ouch"... the upfront cost!

There are exciting developments, in fuel-efficient cars, electric cars, air cars, and hydrogen cars. Problem is, they're not widely available yet and if they were you could probably not afford one.

But you don't have to passively wait for the future to arrive on your door step. The technology exists to convert your own car to increase mileage by 25 - 50%. And other than car manufacturers' secret fuel-efficiency projects, these technologies are in the public domain.

They are completely yours to exploit. And their sources are abundant. For one of them it's water fuel!

Sounds far-fetched but it's worth checking out.

A conversion to driving with a hydrogen gas generator is inexpensive, not complicated and not subject to a waiting list. The cost of these is soon recouped with every mile you drive!

Hydrogen gas used in this way is truly cheap gas. Of course, you can even leverage that saving by combining a hydrogen generator with liquid petroleum gas or biodiesel.

Hydrogen generators work with all internal combustion engines, including diesel, gasoline, propane, and fuel-injected. DIY, or get your mechanic to install it.

Another way to make such savings is to install a magnetic resonance device * also "old" and proven technology. But you should not try to combine these two combustion catalysts. At least not till someone has tested doing so under controlled and safe conditions.

Using such fuel-saving conversions are your lifeline in bridging the time between high fuel prices and a future where alternative fuel cars are affordable.

Your Thoughts & Actions Do Beat Rising Gas Prices

Change your thinking about driving. No fuel-saving technology, including water fuel, can change the fact that there are no unlimited fuel sources on our limited planet. No free gas anywhere...

You can also make significant savings straight away, and perhaps save up for your car 's conversion, just by doing some common sense things:

Accelerate slowly. Laugh at those first out of the starting blocks at the lights as you see the dollars coming straight out of their exhaust pipe.

Service your car regularly.

Think about the trips you make. Necessary to do by car? Can you combine them in one trip?

Keep up correct tyre pressure.

Check out the cheapest local gas station before you go anywhere.

The days of fossil-fuel based cheap gas are over. And free gas was never a real option. We are living in a new age where we have to be good at living within limits. It requires a different way of thinking.

All the above methods of fuel-saving not only reduce your fuel bills but, importantly save on green house gas emissions.

Now you know how to drive yourself into a sustainable future. Your children will thank you for doing it.

Submitted by:

Erik Leipoldt

Dr Erik Leipoldt has long been concerned about the effects of global warming. In particular he uses his own experience of disability in practical approaches towards alternate energy sources to survive and thrive in our environmentally disabled world. For more on hydrogen generation click here



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