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Convert Your Car To Run On Water - Is It For Real? - Articles Surfing

Many car drivers have been gripped by the rocketing gas prices. The talk of using alternative sources of energy abounds in the media, written press and the Internet, simply because many are feeling the pinch in their wallets.

In recent months, there has been much media hype about using water as a viable but cheap alternative to power cars. How genuine is this news? Can you really convert your car to run on water? From some research, it is discovered that such technology has actually been around for almost 80 years. However, this technology has been kept under wraps by political leaders and large oil companies. Why wouldn't they? They stand to lose billions in revenues and taxes if water is used instead of oil as an energy source!

However, the truth is, you cannot use water alone to drive your car. But this astonishing yet simple technology can turn water into a gas called hybrid hydrogen oxygen, or HHO gas. HHO gas, when used as a supplement to gasoline in our car engines, can significantly enhance our cars' gas efficiency. You will get far better gas mileage, significantly lower gas costs and cleaner emissions.

This technology is not a myth. It is real. If you do a search for "run car on water" on http://youtube.com, you will find many real-life videos about this technology. What is most wonderful about this technology is that it is costs less than a modest meal for two. It is that affordable. There are several quality instruction guides that you can easily find online that provides you with step-by-step instructions in assembling a simple water-to-gas conversion kit. No technical knowledge is required and all the materials and parts needed can be had for less than $100.

Before deciding which conversion guide is best for you, it is essential to do some research to see what each guide offers. While the technology and instructions explained in many of these guides are similar, the level of difficulty may be different, and so is the pricing of the guides. There are many quality review sites online that provide unbiased and balanced reviews of these conversion guides. These are excellent resources that will facilitate your decision-making in selecting the appropriate guide for you.

Converting your car to run on water is not as complicated as it sounds. It is simple, as long as you follow the instructions in the conversion guides. Many car novices with absolutely no technical knowledge of cars have achieved it. Alternatively, you may engage your local car mechanic to get the installation done for a small fee.

Furthermore, if you convert your car to run on water, you can claim substantial IRS tax rebates on your car because you are essentially using "green technology".

A small upfront investment is all that is needed to assemble and install a conversion kit to run your car on water. You will save significantly during subsequent gas refills. Your trips to the gas pumps will no longer be a dreaded affair. It need not be. So why wait. You can save thousands in fuel costs and give oil companies a run for their money!

Submitted by:

Isache Chew

Are high gas prices taking a toll on your finances? Beat the oil companies at their own game. You can learn how to reduce your gas expenses and save $1000s by converting your car to run on water. Now read my review of the Best Water-to-Gas Conversion Guides on the Internet at http://www.isache-biz.com/runcaronwater/ You may use this article for reprint on your website provided the links remain intact.



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