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Article Surfing ArchiveDangers In Driving With Hands Free Cell Phones - Articles SurfingThe cell phone has become a communication tool that one cannot seem to do without these days. When you leave the house and you forgot to bring your hands free cell phone you get that feeling of inadequacy somehow, that can make you quite uncomfortable, and most likely make you decide to turn around and go back to get it. The gadget comes in very handy when you have a need to call somebody from places where there are no other phones available, as in the middle of a highway. The invention of the hands free cell phone has made the making of a phone call very much easier while one is driving at the same time. For some people it has become a habit to turn to that cell phone and make calls when they forget about something in the office, even how trivial it is. This new phone-calling habit somehow has led to possible dangers that can happen to phone users while speeding on the freeway, with the distraction a phone conversation can have on their driving. Sometimes an unnecessary, even a silly phone chat, can make one forget that one's foot is at the same time on the gas pedal and may absentmindedly cause the happening of accidents. Not all people have the dexterity and the ability to be attending to many things happening at the same time. People who are distracted by these unnecessary mobile phone calls can easily be involved in highway accidents. While some states allow people in making phone calls from their hands free cell phones, these should at best be limited to urgent matters only like situations of an emergency. A caller should be responsible enough to determine what is urgent and what is not. One should take an effort to cooperate with the law by exercising prudence in making mobile calls. It is for your ultimate good too because you are promoting safer travel on the highways at the same time. When one cannot help making or receiving phone calls while driving, the safer way to go about it is to pull up first to the side of the highway. You can then either make an outgoing call, or to answer the caller if you have an incoming call. You can avoid being distracted in your driving this way and you can afford to attend to these phone calls, including the lengthy ones, if you cannot help it. However, make an effort to advise the calling party to reset the call and continue your conversation a little later when you are no longer driving. This procedure may delay you a little in your travel, but it is a necessary and sensible precaution, if only to do your part as a responsible citizen in promoting safer motoring in those freeways. This is also for your personal benefit, as it is a sure way of avoiding those freeway accidents that can cause you injury, or even worse, death.
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