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1 Key Way To Empower Your Employees - Articles Surfing

This article is from your MYB Consultancy, Business Consulting and Coaching for small business owners, in fact any business owner

Position your Team

A successful small business owner and a 1st Class Team leader positions their Team.

Business and personal growth are critical to all business owners so I ask all business owners * Do you position your team?

How many times have I seen small business owners *expect* their team to step up to the line WITHOUT giving them all an outline of the game plan. They don*t know what to do. My consultancy team sees it all the time in small business.

Can you imagine that a successful sports coach neglects to give his players an outline of the match play?. Do you think that his team expects him to give them an outline? Successful sports teams always have a game plan that both the coach and the players know.

As a small business owner and a 1st Class Team leader part of your role is to actually *coach* your team. How good a coach are you? When you share your plans with them they know what you want and they can be clear about what they are expected to deliver.

Positioning is mandatary if you want clarity, cohesion, commitment, motivation and success.

Let me share a very recent consulting experience I have had with a client*.

The pressure decreased rapidly when everyone knew ...

Two compatible small business owners, armed with their businesses made a commitment to bring their businesses into one entity. A beneficial move for each party. This took a couple of months of negotiating and planning. For obvious and valid reasons everyone agreed to keep the plans secret until they were ready to make their public announcement. How difficult was it during this time? Very difficult!

No one could be positioned to help and support the changeover process. Effectively, these two business owners had to function in a space that was somewhat like a vacuum. They couldn*t share what they were doing in any way * they couldn*t ask for information, they had to do it all themselves. You get the picture. The pressure was building up. Mainly due to the extra work created negotiating and planning, together with their very real need to keep up all their normal activities. Look normal at all costs!

If they could have positioned their team, that is, told them what was happening they could have used their assistance. Although in this case there was no alternative, what I want you to realise is that when the news was released pressure dissipated exponentially.

Imagine creating this situation when you don*t need to!
Why would you neglect to tell your team what's going on in the business. I don*t know, but I do know our consultancy sees this neglect in small business over and over and over. So many Team Leaders (business owners) neglect to do this then wonder why there's pressure, frustration and tension running rampant around the place.

All you have to do to keep the pressure and frustration levels down * is to POSITION the players.

It's just that simple. Both the team leader and the team will benefit enormously and you will get support, energy and results from your team.

Learn everything you can about Empowering Your Team.

More tips for becoming a successful small business owner click here http://www.businesscoachingsite.com

Position Your Team
Master Your Business

Submitted by:

Elaine Masters

Elaine Masters is a qualified business coach of successful small business owners who want the best business possible. Business knowledge and experience for hungry minds. Find what successful business owners know and others should learn to be successful. http://www.businesscoachingsite.com



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