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2 Roads, The Dreamers Road, And The Achievers Road - Articles Surfing

I*m going to be a millionaire by* Yea right. You a dreamer or an achiever? In this article I will speak about the talkers and the walkers. Funnily enough in my last 2 articles I have made reference to 2 crisps. Lets begin*

The Dreamers Road.

Some day, I will make it. And some day never comes. I*ve just seen this opportunity they say, it's going to make me rich, richer then rich. Then they never even join.

Or. They join, find it requires effort, then leave.

Ever looking for the dream, that no effort will make great effort (Don*t mistake achievers have a dream too, however, they go about things differently).

I must be doing something, they say. And never do something about it. They dream while they working 9-5. They go home and won*t make the effort to achieve something.

They read opportunities, and hear the winners, winning, however, they never take action. Some day*

The dream, is a day dream, an escape route. To escape life in front of you, to forget about the problems. Never picking up pen and paper to make goals. Ow, they do make new years resolutions and measure its non achievement yearly.

Dreamers spend their time, looking at others successes, and saying if only I came up with that idea.

However, the biggest way you can spot a dreamer is with the lottery. They generally only expect to become rich with the lottery or an inheritance.

Dreamers put all there time and energy in watching TV and programs such as Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. They feel good answering the questions and finding it correct.

Dreamers become old man procrastinator, and dreamers often say *what if, if only*.

I don*t aim to debunk the dreamer. My aim here is to expose any traits you might have within you. Like I said I used to plan to plan. This method of philosophy never equated to much results.

But, now we come to the achiever*

The Achievers Road.

I have an idea, I research an idea, I see what is the possibilities. I see what I want, and I take action.

The achiever has a vision of where his ideal is. He knows that place is home. And never feels content till he gets there. The fear of failure is far greater than the fear for success. He or she must get to there destination. Home is at the vision.

What can I do now, is what the achiever says. And takes action. He might not know the road, however, he has faith he will get there.

Like ants, move them away from home, and they will constantly move forward till they find home.

The achiever has goals, and takes consistent action. The achiever has passion about the purpose he has defined.

Achiever to me sounds like archive, a very similar word. So thus, the achiever ever archives the work he has accomplished. Every day taking steps forward to his vision.

The achiever thinks big. Comes up with an idea, and sticks with it, till he succeeds. The problem with an achiever is, if he hits a wall, he tries to pound the wall down. The achiever needs a recipe.

MLM Marketing has blessed us with the eagles who have plotted a path to achievement. And we can follow that path, that recipe, till we achieve our vision.

I thank higher power, that I found the recipe. As I was one who would pound on the wall, expecting that I could make it crumble! Achievers you need a blueprint, a recipe for success from others who have achieved.

MLM Marketing opens doors for the achiever. And suddenly the persistence skill he has gained comes in handy with MLM Marketing.

He soon finds he is gaining additional skills, and mingling with the people who are achieving. He is with the winners. And his persistence, decisive action makes him an eagle soar with the winners.

The achiever takes action, Now.

The achiever knows he is ever moving a step closer to his vision.

The achiever knows where home is, and it's not in the past!

In my next article to you, I will be speaking about and asking was the internet created for MLM Marketers?

Till then*

To your greatest success,

Kozan Huseyin ~ MLM Marketing Expert, Life Coach, Internet Marketer, Writer.

Submitted by:

Kozan Huseyin

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