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5 Ways To Change From A Sales Failure Mindset To Sales Success Mindset - Articles Surfing

Sales can be one of the most difficult aspects of business. It can also be one of the most exciting and interesting parts. Many companies struggle with sale after sale resulting in failure. This only yields more difficulty and discouragement in sales. If you are one of the people who have experienced failure in sales, it's time to change your mindset! After reading this article you will have learned 5 ways to change from a sales failure mindset to a sales success mindset.

Before we discuss how to improve your mindset, let's review a few of the most important aspects to having successful sales in general. First, you need to correctly target your buyers. When doing any kind of sales, you'll get much better results if the people or companies you*re selling to are actually interested in your product. Doing a small amount of research before trying to sell your product can greatly improve your success rate. Next, you need to be sure that your product is a quality product that people will actually use. Doing research on this aspect of sales is also imperative. Next, you need an awesome sales team. If you don*t already have one, look to hire sales reps that are adaptable, articulate, energetic, confident, and self-reliant. Your sales reps can make all the difference in your rate of success. And finally, you must continue training your sales team to ensure the best possible sales.

Now onto the five was to change from a sales failure mindset to a sales success mindset:

1. Have vision and focus. People who are successful are in the habit of looking forward to the future-to ask themselves what innovations might help improve their current state. A creative mind can see beyond the present and see the vision of possibilities that failure often clouds.

2. Take calculated risks. We*ve all heard stories of people who made giant leaps of faith and landed on successful terrain. Successful people are not afraid of risks. They view them as probabilities that could result in some very profitable outcomes. Just remember that we*re talking about calculated risks. This means you should know the possible benefits and disadvantages of your risk before you jump into it.

3. Don*t blame others. Successful people don*t waste time blaming others for what went wrong. You can try and blame your sales reps for taking too calculated of a risk, or your manufacturing coordinator for not creating a quality product, but it will never do you any good. Instead, roll up your sleeves and do something about it. Take responsibility for the action. Make decisions that will help correct the problem, don*t just sit and gripe about it.

4. Learn to network. Success oriented people recognize the value of a social network. People can often be your greatest asset. If you*ve been struggling with sales failure after failure, perhaps it is time that you look to other successful people for some help. Everyone needs a helping hand once in a while. And creating a network of people that have the knowledge and talent that you may be lacking at this moment in time can help change your mindset to one of success.

5. Start small. Sometimes one of the best ways to improve your mindset is to start out small. So maybe you*ve been suffering from some set-backs. Move on. Pick something that you*re relatively sure will succeed. Think small. And then market that product with all your heart. Once you*ve proudly achieved a small success with that product, move onto something a bit more complicated. Continue this process until you*ve regained a sales success mindset.

Submitted by:

Gavin Ingham

Gavin Ingham is a powerful sales motivation speaker and sales trainer throughout the UK and Europe. To learn more about how Gavin can teach your people the sales success mindset click here http://www.gaviningham.net or call us at 0845 838 5958



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