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H-F-L Team: Succeed In Business Do You Have What It Takes? - Articles Surfing

Unlike the movie Field of Dreams, if you build it they will not necessarily come. It takes a lot of work to run your own business. Getting started on your Hundred-Fold-Life requires a lot of sweat equity and some upfront cash. However, even the best of the business start-ups may not make it if the owner does not have what it takes to successfully operate their own business.

Product knowledge is important, but it can also be learned as can much of the software used to operate businesses. There are some personal traits that have to be considered when determining if you have what it takes to operate a successful business. One of the main ingredients is being able to clearly understand the facts surrounding any business decision and being able to base your decision on the facts and not on emotions. Whenever you are faced with a difficult choice, never make the decision without first thinking it through. Knowing whom your decision will affect and how is only part of strategic thinking, but understanding how the end result will affect the business should be the primary decision maker.

Dealing with employees or vendors is an area of expertise lacking by many business owners and by not being able to deal professionally with vendors could make getting supplies difficult. They are in business just like you and need your business in order to make money. However, they do not need the additional aggravation that some business owners insist on providing them, and have the option to not sell product to you in the future.

Personnel issues are one of the most problematic for many businesses and not being able to deal effectively with employees has caused many of them to close their doors. The number of the people that quit and have to be replaced on a regular basis usually measures ineffective people practices. Some industries are prone to higher turnover rates than others, such as fast-food service and retail cashiers, but even the worst jobs can hold onto their people if the business owners understand and attempts to meet their individual needs.

Managing time can be studied to death, but if your not willing to take the steps required to adequately controlling how your time is spent, you will spend most of it trying to catch up with everything going on around you. Stress is another area that business owners are prone to fail and by learning to manage stress as it pops up frequently can help you maintain a professional attitude without causing ill effects on your health or your business.

Along with the personal attributes required to be a good business owner and boss, there are some functional matters that will need addressed as well. With or without an education in business processes, understanding the business end of any venture can help you assure those that are performing the job are doing so without costing you a lot of money. Losses are normal in most businesses, but controlling them is the responsibility of the business owner.

Your success in business depends on educating yourself. Read, listen to CDs whatever it takes to gain knowledge about your chosen business. This will set you on the right path to obtaining your Hundred-Fold-Life.

Submitted by:

Douglas Miller

Douglas Miller is a retired Fire Service Captain now making a living working at home. His company Hundred-Fold-Life is not just a name but also a belief. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.ClixGo.com



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