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H-F-L-Team: Pros And Cons Of A Home Business - Articles Surfing

I f you are considering a home based business to achieve you Hundred-Fold-Life many aspects need to be looked at.

When you consider operating a home business, you will need to take into account the good, the bad and the downright ugly aspects of working at home. While the freedom of being your own boss can be an incredible incentive to operating you own business out of your home it can also be an incredible burden.

Your free time will suddenly be at a premium, especially if you have a family with which you like to spend time. A home business requires a lot of time and effort and there will be days when you may not have much left over for your own interests. Because the reward of operating your own home business is a direct result of the amount of effort you put into it, you will end up working far more hours than you did when working for someone else.

With that in mind, you will also not have the time you spent commuting to another place of employment. Depending on the drive, it can add several hours to the time you can spend with the family or friends. You will also save money on gas and other expenses from not having to travel every day to work along with the frustrations of dealing with traffic.

While many home business opportunities pretend that the owners will have all the free time they might ever want, the reality is you will work whenever it is necessary. The difference is you can adjust your hours to make them convenient for your family's schedule. Do not believe for a minute that a home business is going to allow you to sleep all day and party all night. That is a recipe for failure.

As the owner of a viable business owner working from home, there are certain tax advantages to working out of your home. A portion of your rent or mortgage along with utilities and other expenses may be eligible for deduction for the business use of your home, but certain specific criteria must be met for them to be taken. However, once met it can provide a significant savings on the tax bill.

Working independently as a home-based business owner can in many ways be its own rewards, providing a feel of satisfaction when everything is going according to plan, there will be no one to turn to if a major problem develops. You will be on your own in any decisions that affect the business, as well as your family's future. You will need to understand that every decision you make will affect every person in the family in some way.

Before beginning a business venture at home you may want to create a list of the pros and cons to determine how they affect you and your family. Only by taking an objective look at what you can look forward to and possibly guard against, will you be in a position to make an informed decision about whether a home business is the right move for you.

Having the courage and discipline to secede in a home-based business is essential. When you start to see your Hundred-Fold-Life unfolding before your eyes it is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and to know freedom is at hand.

Submitted by:

Douglas Miller

Douglas Miller is a retired Fire Service Captain now making a living working at home. His company Hundred-Fold-Life is not just a name but also a belief. To find the best home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit: http://www.ClixGo.com



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