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Home Based Internet Business Resources - Why Legit E Biz Succeeds - Articles Surfing

Hopefully this article will shed some light on legitimate online business while dispelling some of the misconceptions. We'll discuss emails from nowhere, why you get them and what to do with them. I'll tell you about the investigations I*ve done into finding a real business opportunity online. We'll also discuss the key ingredients that allow legitimate online business to prosper. Let's go.

From Whence Does It Come?

Do you ever wonder why you get all of those emails from who knows where? I did. Once I started investigating I realized that I was generating all of that inbox clutter myself. I also realized it wasn*t such a bad thing if I took the time to find the right business.

You see, if you have EVER and I mean ever expressed an interest in a home based business; either online, through the mail, responding to a survey, etc. you are liable to receive information via email about such businesses. So maybe you can view those emails in a slightly different light.

What Next?

After 5 plus years of investigation I found that all of those emails I was receiving were actually a blessing in disguise. That's right, a blessing. I*ve always wanted to work from my home, on my terms, on my time and make a legitimate living. Once I started to visit some of the sites in those emails, I discovered several online opportunities that *sounded* great. Sounding great is one thing, putting money in my bank account was quite another. I continued to pour through *emails from nowhere* and I finally realized that there were safe, inexpensive, results-oriented programs out there that were perfect for me. Keep in mind that I didn*t just jump at every opportunity that an email offered.


Owning an online business is just like owning a real business. Owning an online business is just like owning a real business. Did you read that closely? The BIGGEST mistake that people make is misunderstanding that. It takes time and effort and a little bit of money. The cool thing about online business is that you can get up and running for a fraction of the cost of starting a business in your hometown. The flip side of that coin is that it takes just as much effort. The reason people don*t succeed in online businesses is the same reason they fail opening a service oriented business locally. They aren*t willing to put in the time that is required to make it work.

When you*re the boss you have to be self-motivated. You have to do it all: Accounting, marketing, follow up, follow up, advertising, etc. Most people want somebody to hand them a program that makes them a zillion dollars without any effort. It's not out there. If you want to start and grow your online business it takes effort, period.

Why It Works

I own a small construction company and one of our marketing techniques is to offer a finders*fee for any of our customers that recommend us to a friend, co-worker, family whomever, and we sign them up. It is great for them and great for us. They make a little extra money for doing nothing but getting the potential customer in front of us and we get extra business for a fraction of the cost of our annual advertising.

Here's a question for you. Let's say you were working on a project in a customer's back yard and as you were working a neighbor came over and asked you to look at a job at their house. Let's say you got the job at the neighbor's house. Now, the customer you were first working with didn*t refer the neighbor to you. In fact, the customer didn*t even know the neighbor talked to you. Should the customer get the finders* fee? In this situation, no, the customer didn*t have anything to do with us getting the other job other than hiring us to do his job and us being in the right place at the right time to talk to the neighbor.

BUT, in online business, you get the finders* fee EVERYTIME. That's the beauty of a legitimate online home-based business. When you put in the time and effort to make your online business work, the system gets the job done for you. And it generally gets it done for pennies on the dollar compared to my construction business.

You may publish this article as long as it is published in its entirety including about the author.

Submitted by:

Joe Roberts

Joe Roberts owns http://www.JoesNoHassle.com and http://www.SpecialtyHomesllc.com. To find the highest ranked home based business ideas and opportunities so you can work at home visit:http://www.JoesNoHassle.com. Download a free copy of Dotcomology by Stone Evans and receive Joe's free newsletter.



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