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Article Surfing ArchiveSo Simple, Even a CEO Can Do It - Articles SurfingHoward Putnam says, "I always pick the 'easy'tasks. As the CEO of Southwest Airlines, during it's startupyears, the team of people I worked with were 'contrarians'. Wecreated an entirely new value proposition - then, as with many'new ways', had the immense task of actually training ourpotential customers. First we had to train them on our valueproposition and then on the trade-offs and advantages of doingbusiness with us. Just to make it a little more of a challengewe picked an industry where intense competition from largesuppliers made it very difficult to make a profit. So, when Business Best Practices Radio approached me abouthosting the show, I couldn't resist. Every week, guest businessexperts present their business best practices. Once a month, Isummarize those business best practices and offer insight onhow companies can best apply them. The Business Best Practice Pipeline dramatically lowerstraining costs for companies and associations with onlinetechnology. It packages the knowledge and expertise of acompany's experts, trainers and leaders into secure, learningmodules that can be easily, rapidly and economically producedand distributed company-wide throughout the world without anyinvestment in new software or hardware. Because of the pipeline's simplicity and in spite of my busyconsulting and speaking schedule, I was able to personallyauthor, produce and publish my own multi-media learning moduleson the learning website, a portion of which is athttp://www.BusinessBestPractices.com/putnam-lessonP - so easy aCEO could do it! The ease of production to construct concise best practices, andtime scarcity are problems shared by me, the team members ofmost of my customers and equally, by most of their customers--- that's what makes my involvement in creating a BestPractice Delivery Pipeline so exciting, even for an old- schoolguy like me. After minimal training, the current process isalmost as easy as a telephone with considerable advantages overthat medium in cost and comprehension, while also insuring thatthe recipient is using the service at a good time for them."
Copyright © 1995 - Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved). |
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