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Article Surfing ArchiveSo Where Do You Fit In? - Articles SurfingMany of you reading this are working full-time, with a dream to eventually leave your job for complete independence from home. Some of you are also working at a home-based business; others are exploring the idea of one. Others are working part-time outside the home, and supplementing your income with a part-time home-based business. Still others are unemployed outside the home, either voluntarily or involuntarily. You may or may not currently be working on your own business. I have so many people who write me to tell me that they'd really like to start a business of their own but they just don't have the money to do so. You can start your business from scratch - but it can be really frustrating to have to work so hard at something with no return because you're having to funnel all the money you've earned back into the business. Without any working capital at all, most people simply give up and think they can't make a go of it. Well, have you ever thought about possibly getting a part-time job solely for the purpose of funding your business? I know what you're saying (especially if you already work full-time) - "Then I'd never have the time to work at the business." Well, that may very well be true - in the short term. But if home-business success is truly important to you, then perhaps you should consider this - Get that part-time job. Take your earnings and invest them in some short-term investments (CD's, for example). Continue to work at the job - BUT DON'T SPEND THE MONEY - and grow your business nest egg. During this time, continue to research your home business options. When your funds have grown to the point that you feel you're ready to give that home business a go, then you can give up the job if you feel you need that time to devote to the business. You'll have your working capital, and chances are your business will be in profit sooner. This won't work, however, if, instead of being disciplined enough to put the money aside, you spend it instead. Even with the slowdown in the economy, there are still plenty of places that are hiring part-time workers (at least in my section of the country). In addition, some of these places offer benefits even to part-timers (Starbucks, for example). Here's links to some places that offer a part-time income and flexible schedules to their employees. (Some of these companies are regional; you can search the websites to see if they are in your area).
* On Fortune Magazines "Top 100 Best Companies to Work For" this year - for more on this, visit http://www.fortune.com/fortune/bestcompanies My personal favorite? Publix - absolutely unparalleled customer service. Of course, unless you live in one of the five states where they currently have stores this option isn't open to you. But if you live in Florida or Georgia, chances are there's one near you. They are in three other states as well (South Carolina, Tennessee, and Alabama) but are just growing in these markets. They've never had a layoff in their 72 year history. Pretty amazing. And let's face it - this IS a recession-proof business. Everyone has to eat. If you don't have the money to get your business going - this is one option always open to you for your consideration. If you're serious about succeeding on your own, you need to do what it takes to reach your goals! Copyright 2003
Copyright © 1995 - Photius Coutsoukis (All Rights Reserved). |
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