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Article Surfing ArchiveSony Needs a Good Blogger - Articles SurfingFor the last few years anyone in the tech industry could tell you who the 'evil empire' was and why it was known as such. However, after a hugely successful blog adoption campaign, utilizing over 1500 bloggers within the company, Microsoft has almost completely overcome the unwanted moniker. Into this world that has lost an evil empire rides Sony, Microsoft's chief gaming competitor. Now, while Sony and Microsoft do compete on other fronts, they are in the middle of a head-to-head challenge for superiority on this front. And, Microsoft is winning, hands down. Much of the reason is due to blogging. Microsoft has learned and taught the lesson of Successful Business Blogging. Sony, on the other hand, just isn't getting it. After their DRM rootkit/spyware was found out a few weeks ago, they are battling one news story after another. In fact, the state of Texas is suing the company for the same reason. They launched the suicidal DRM spyware without once thinking of their customer's reactions. They had to have realized that some enterprising hacker would figure it all out. The net is filled with geeks who pride themselves on figuring out how things work and which programs sit idly on a system without permission or invitation. If a company is promoting spyware, much less installing it, they have to expect it will be, eventually, detected. While it looks like people are still buying Sony CDs, the problem of likeability is important. They still buy Sony's products because there is no viable replacement. If you want a CD by a certain artist, for instance, you're going to have to buy it from Sony. However, with the advent of iTunes you can just download it and give the money to them (with a much smaller cut for Sony). And, with the surge of P2P music sharing, large music producers are finding they will have to 'ask' for legal music purchases rather than demand it. A blogger on Sony's behalf would be so helpful right now. Sony needs to deal with DRM rootkit issues right now, immediately, ASAP from a blogging sense. Yes I know they have recalled the offending CDs, but does everyone know that? No, of course not. We remember the start of the story, not the ending. A blogger would change that. They'd be Sony evangelists and would, without pushy, marketing hype, explain and apologize genuinely. But, just as important as the immediate effects a blog-apology campaign would give them, Sony needs to learn the lessons of the blogging community, WEB 2.0, if you will. Ask don't demand. Be likable. Appreciate your customers. Give some stuff away. Treat your customers with respect and adoration and they'll do the same to you. In essence, the web has made the world one huge, small town. Once again, as in the days of old, you must earn your customer's business. It's the WEB 2.0 way.
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