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Article Surfing ArchiveStarting a Business - Articles SurfingMany people today are looking to own and run their own business. To do that they mainly have three main choices. 1. Buy a franchise 2. Start from scratch to develop there own type of business. 3. Buy an existing business. When talking about capital to start or buy a conventional business we are not talking peanuts here; all these types of businesses will most likely require a substantial sum, perhaps in the hundreds of thousands of dollars. They will usually require staff so suitable computer expertise for accounts and wagers and also people skills in the workplace are required. There are always some problems with staff which can cause difficulties. In a conventional business you will require premises. If you have bought an existing business then probably rates and maintenance are your two main expenses with the existing building bought with the business. If you need to rent a premise then you may require a refit for your purposes which may cost tens of thousands of dollars. This would depend on the type of business which may require certain expensive machine or electronic devices which could be various and very expensive. Then you would need computers and office furniture in varying quantities. All quite expensive items. However you look at it there are considerable costs involved when starting a business some of which will be ongoing. i.e. interest on the loan, staff wages and rent etc. If it comes to the worst and it all goes belly up look at what you might lose? The equity which was used to finance the loan - most likely the property you live in because you couldn*t pay off the bank overdraft. The fixtures and fittings which you purchased which now would be of use to you and any equipment you purchased which may have to be sold invariably at a loss. So you sold everything to try and pay off your debt but that wasn*t enough so you have to leave the home you loved and look for rented accommodation. Then many years later you might crawl back to where you were before the time of the crash. The statistics for new conventional type business success are not good. In a conventional business if you need advice you usually have to pay for it although with a franchise some is available free. With a franchise I understand it does not usually include business mentoring. So if it's new to you, you may have to pay for that help. In MLM home based business with a good company the marketing help comes as part of the deal. Why you may ask? Well because the MLM I am recommending is structured so that the person who does the recruiting also helps the people they recruit. In making them successful they all financially benefit. This team building is the essence of success in MLM marketing and people who have done this for a few years reap large rewards without having taken a huge gamble to raise equity. So if we look an MLM business which costs less than $2000 initially and potentially enables you to earn hundreds of thousands of dollars a few years down the track why wouldn*t that be much more attractive to you than risking your house? There is the company which excels in all respects and is ideal for MLM people: ? It is debt free ? Publicly listed on the NASDAQ ? Achieved 1.5 billion turnover in the first five years ? Is a global business operating in ten countries and six more 2007. ? Ranked number 5 in the 200 Best Small companies by FORBES in the US. If we summarise the benefits then we are talking about a business which: 1. Does not require a large amount of capital 2. Does not require you to hold stock. 3. Does not require staff. 4. Does not require you to rent or buy expensive premises because you can work from home perhaps from one room set aside as your office. 5. Enables you to make an income relative to your efforts which could be in the six figure bracket after a few years. 6. Does not confine you to office hours - you can work at a time convenient to you and your family. 7. Will still function once established without loss of income if you decide to take a long holiday. Why then would anyone wanting to start a business not want to take the least expensive option? The MLM choice comes without all the financial risk and headaches. You can have the same earning potential as the conventional business with total support as part of the deal. For more information, contact Vernon Johnson 11/134 Hill Road, Runcorn, Brisbane 4113 Australia, biohealth@aapt.net.au 2. Does not require you to hold stock. 3. Does not require staff. 4. Does not require you to rent or buy expensive premises because you can work from home perhaps from one room set aside as your office. 5. Enables you to make an income relative to your efforts which could be in the six figure bracket after a few years. 6. Does not confine you to office hours - you can work at a time convenient to you and your family. 7. Will still function once established without loss of income if you decide to take a long holiday. Why then would anyone wanting to start a business not want to take the least expensive option? The MLM choice comes without all the financial risk and headaches. You can have the same earning potential as the conventional business with total support as part of the deal. For more information, contact Vernon Johnson 11/134 Hill Road, Runcorn, Brisbane 4113 Australia, biohealth@aapt.net.au
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