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Starting with High Yield Investment Programs - Beginner's Guide - Articles Surfing

Welcome to the world of HYIPs

I hope the information contained in this document will prove worthwhile to you. I started investing in HYIPs in August of 2006. I made some mis-takes and I made some profits. This document is intended to help you avoid the mistakes and focus on gaining the profits.

With that said, let me start on my 10 Keys to HYIP Investing:

1. Remember that this is RISKY business. Approach it at first as you would a trip to the casino tables in Vegas. Key #1 is *Only invest what you can afford to lose.* Some of the HYIPs are genuine, and some are scams. So far, about 40% of the ones I first invested in folded within one month. The other 60% are doing fine and producing profits. I tell you this to show you that it is risky, and until you build up some profits, only risk what you can afford to lose.

2. Research the HYIP very carefully. You can do that by check-ing them out in the HYIP Monitoring Forums listed in the left column. Use the Search command if it is there to find the program you*re interested in.Most of these forums show whether a HYIP is paying or not, how long it has been in existence etc. Many of them also display votes from people like you and me who have invested in this particular HYIP and are reporting back.

3. Do the Due (diligence). As you examine the forums and read about various programs, look for the following information:

* how long has it been in exis-tence? I generally steer clear of (or invest very little money in) HYIPs that have been around for less than 3 months. The longer track record, the better. Scammers generally come and go in just a few days or weeks

* what is the rating according to the site? Most sites have a rating system. The ones listed under Pre-mium are sites that have paid for that privilege, so it is biased. Look for ones rated under Best Programs or something similar

* check the status. Most sites display a small banner next to the HYIP name, saying something like, *PAYING* or *WAITING* or *NOT PAYING.* Obviously, you will only consider the ones with the PAYING tag

* check the votes. Look for pro-grams with many votes. The more input, and the longer they have been around, with many votes from satisfied customers, the better

* check the most recent votes/postings. See if people have been paid in the last couple of days

4. When you start investing, di-versify. Do NOT put all your eggs in one basket. Though it is tempting to put almost all your money in the best paying/most reliable program, don*t do it. Spread the investment around. Most people who do this well have investments in 20 or more HYIPs. If any one fails, you only stand to lose 5% of your total investment. I would counsel against placing more than 25% of your investment in any one HYIP.

5. Start small. Invest the mini-mum amounts in the program and see if it pays as promised. Trust them with $10 before you invest $100. This is generally good advice, but some scammers pay the small amounts and then when you drop a big amount in, say $500, they disappear. However, generally, this is a good test.

6. Note the payout method of the HYIP program. Some are automatic, meaning that your gains are automatically deposited into your e-gold account. Some are manual, meaning that you have to go to the website of the HYIP and submit a withdrawal request, which they then process - and then the money ends up in your e-gold account. If you invest in a manual withdrawal HYIP, I would suggest you make a withdrawal every time the amount is over $10. That way, you won*t have $100 sitting in your account if/when it disappears.

7. Beware the high percentage promises. As a general rule, a HYIP is likely to succeed if it offers modest gains to its investors. Any HYIP that offers 300% in one day or something ridiculous like that is almost certainly a scam. Also, plans that promise to pay HOURLY are mostly scams. There are some noble exceptions, but be particularly skeptical of these ones.

Also, note which programs return your capital and which ones don*t. A plan that pays 25% for 6 days and doesn*t return your capital, is a profit of 150%. A plan that does the same thing, AND returns your capital, is a profit of 250%. Make sure you calculate correctly. Also, when planning over a month period, include what you might gain if you re-invest. For myself, I created a spreadsheet showing what $100 would become in one month with various plans. This gives you a true picture of your re-turn, in an apples to apples compari-son. Otherwise it may be hard to cal-culate which plan gives better returns, eg. is one that pays 1% per hour, better than one that pays 10% per day, and is that better than one that pays 200% after one week etc. etc. Only your monthly calculation will tell you.

8. As an investing strategy, it makes sense to take back your original *stake* money and invest your gains. That way, you can*t really lose anything. If you invest $100 and the account builds to $300, take your original $100 back, and rest easy in the knowledge that you can now not lose money since you are just *playing with the winnings.*

9. Banking the gains. It is possi-ble to make some impressive profits with HYIPs and you will probably be tempted to *let it ride.* I advise against this. Bank some profits regu-larly. If you make $10,000 next month, from a $2000 investment, bank $2500 and let $7500 ride. It may take you slightly longer to reach the investment profit goal, but you have made some money safe every month. If it all fails the following month, at least you made $500 from your $2000 investment. My recommendation is to bank at least 25% of your total every month.

10. Beware of scam and phishing emails. These are emails that trick you into revealing your account information to the scammer. You receive an email that says something like, *Your account has been blocked,* or *Somebody tried to access your account illegally.* Then the email will instruct you to click a link and verify your details. NEVER CLICK A LINK IN AN EMAIL TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS. Always go to the website directly from your browser, using your Favorites bookmark, and try accessing the account that way. If you can, then obviously the email was a scam or phishing attempt. If you can*t, click the Support button on the website and send a message to the Admin, telling them your problem. This advice applies to both your HYIP accounts and your e-gold account. Again, I warn you, NEVER CLICK A LINK IN AN EMAIL TO VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT DETAILS.

If you don*t have an e-gold ac-count, you will need to get one. You can open an account here: or click this link: https://www.e-gold.com/newacct/newaccount.asp?cid=3308376

You will also need to find a method of converting cash into e-gold, in order to fund your e-gold ac-count. You can use this service: http://www.betterxchangers.com/ which I like, since they offer a variety of funding options, one of which is very convenient.

Other than that, I suggest you visit my website and check on which programs I*m invested in, and which ones are doing well for me.


Good luck. Tread carefully. Give 10% of your gains to a church or charity :)

Check out your chosen HYIP at some of the forums below:



Submitted by:

Glyn Norman

Glyn Norman started investing in HYIPs in 2006 and offers this advice so that you can learn from HIS mistakes without making them yourself :)



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