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Article Surfing ArchiveStrategies - Articles SurfingArguably, one of the most powerful change techniques in NLP is *Change Personal History* (CPH). This technique is useful when an individual has experienced a significant emotional event in the past which still continues to impact negatively on their lives in the present. As we know, actual human experience only exists in the present moment, in the form of information received via our five senses. The past exists as stored memories in our unconscious mind. To remember past memories we have to re-experience them in some way in the present. Unfortunately for negative events, we tend to re-experience them as we did at the time and are not always able to benefit from knowledge or resources we may have gained since. CPH allows an individual to re-evaluate memories of significant emotional events in the light of present knowledge. This is a surprisingly simple process to use, and is a regular resource used in hypnotherapy and NLP Practices throughout Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire. So How Does CPH Work? If you took time to reflect on all the things that you do during an average day, you are likely to come up with a least of typical activities in a typical order, such as getting up from bed, having a shower, eating breakfast, travelling to work and so on. If now, you focused on just one of these activities, say getting up out of bed and thought about all the components of doing that are involved in this one habitual act, you would find that it could be broken down into much smaller components. For example, hearing your alarm clock, recognising that this sound means its time to get up or perhaps you usually press the snooze button for more sleep. The next step may involve rolling over in bed, sitting on the edge of the bed and then standing and so on. Again these components can be broken down further, for example, rolling over in bed involves a complex range of movement and continuous sensory and motor feedback between the central nervous system and body. Once you divide activities into component parts it becomes clear that every day we do a whole range of things and for each and everyone we have a strategy for how to do it. A strategy is a sequence of modalities and sub modalities and is often likened to a recipe for baking a cake. In order to model a strategy you would need the ingredients (modalities), the amounts and quality of each ingredient (sub-modalities) and the sequence of steps to take. In NLP, understanding about strategies are important because although many of our strategies that we develop during growing up achieve the desired goal, some are no longer as effective as they could be. NLP can teach people how to modify old strategies or even install new strategies to in order to achieve desired results. This means it is even possible to elicit strategies from others, say someone who is particularly good at a specific activity such as golf and install this strategy in someone wishing to be just as good at golf. Being aware of strategies is very useful in all sorts of areas, for example, salesman can make use of peoples buying strategies and teachers and managers would find learning and motivation strategies useful. NLP in Hertfordshire is run by an NLP Master practitioner and Trainer, who has helped many people create new empowering strategies for better results in their lives.
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