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Success Strategies: Faith and Belief - Articles Surfing

I train people in successful wealth creation. Whenever I talk about faith, most people automatically assume I*m talking about religion. I*m not. Faith and belief are the key ingredients to the success of any endeavor.

According to Webster's Dictionary, faith is 1. Loyalty; fidelity to one's promises. 2a1) belief in the traditional doctrines of a religion, 2b1) firm belief in something for which there is no proof. When an entrepreneur is pursuing any new business endeavor, he or she is employing an element of faith * faith that the buyers will show up, faith that investment money will come to get things rolling, faith in his or her own ability to *make it happen*.

Two famous books on wealth creation, which I recommend to all my associates, are 1) The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace D. Wattles, and 2) Think and Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Both of these authors write at length about faith.

In the first book, it can be found in the chapter on *Thinking in a certain way*. To quote him, *behind this purpose must be an invincible and unwavering FAITH that the thing is already yours, that it is *at hand* and you have only to take possession of it.*

In the second book, the third chapter is called FAITH, and to quote him, *faith is a state of mind that may be induced by self-suggestion.*

A synonym to faith is belief, and is commonly used interchangeably. Webster's definition of the word *believe* best describes what I*m getting at: *to have a firm conviction as to the reality or goodness of something.*

The difference between faith and belief is that faith is in something that is yet unseen. The substance of faith is the thing hoped for. Before it can be realized, it must be visualized. That is the action of faith * to see it as real before it is.

Any successful person has operated from a position of faith and belief in whatever it is they pursued * regardless whether they knew it or not. You'll hear a successful person say, *I just knew it would work*. A winning athlete will tell you they were completely focused on winning, visualized themselves winning, and allowed no doubts to enter their minds. In fact, doubt is the opposite of faith.

Why do some people fail while others, in the same circumstances, succeed? At the root, it is because of the belief system of the individual and that belief system functions at the subconscious level. So to be successful, one must take a look inside themselves, and take inventory of their belief system. I discovered for myself that even though I thought I had *faith*, I really operated from a position of doubt. That is why for so many years, I was unsuccessful. When I became a student of the concepts of faith and belief, my eyes were opened to a whole new way of thinking, and I began to prosper.

Embrace the concepts of faith and belief. Actualize your dreams by using your imagination to *see* yourself being, doing and having your dreams, and they will become a reality. Try it. You'll see!

Edit*scratch that word *try it*. Instead, have a *Do it* attitude. People who try things give themselves the option of failure. Successful people do not give themselves room to fail. They commit to something they want, and persevere without exception. That way, when the going gets tough - as with anything of value it certainly does * you'll press through and not give up.

Perhaps you*re saying, *help me with my unbelief*. You may be thinking, *how do I get faith?* First, set a goal. Make it personal, and very important to you. It must be something that you feel emotional about. Second, visualize yourself experiencing the fulfillment of that goal. Be sure that you include your emotions in that visualization. The action of faith is visualization. Third, persevere until your desire is fulfilled. That's the way it works.

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Chaunda Fanning

Chaunda Fanning lives in an area of town she always dreamed of living in but didn*t until recently. She is becoming the leader she always knew she could be. She has discovered the power of the subconscious mind, and discovered her purpose is to lead others to achieve their own greatness. You can reach CK at www.freedomhappens.com.



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