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Article Surfing ArchiveSuccessful Investing - Articles SurfingMany people stand outside of the investing world looking in. They make up excuses for not investing, point to examples, and then turn and walk away. These same people complain loudly because they do not have enough money, their job is boring, and they are not happy. The American culture grew lazy. For a few decades, they were taught to get an education, and sit back in a comfy job for 40 years, after which the company would pay for their retirement. This scheme collapsed because it was unrealistic. Never in history did any societal model come close to this scheme. In fact, the rest of the world continued to manage their own destiny through the American experiment. Now, it is time for people to wake up and reclaim what is rightfully theirs. This country was built on investors, and to succeed, people need to start investing again. There is a story told in university business and marketing courses that makes the *investor's mindset* very clear. In ancient times, a King instructed that a boulder be placed in the middle of a busy roadway. He hid and watched to see who would remove the rock. A group of wealthy merchants and courtiers simply walked around, complaining loudly that the King failed to keep the roads clear. But, none did anything about moving the stone even though they had the resources to do the job. A peasant came along carrying a load of vegetables. He laid down his burden and tried to move the stone. After pushing and straining, he succeeded. He then picked up his vegetables and noticed a purse on the road where the boulder had been. The purse contained several gold coins and a note with the King's seal indicating that the gold belonged tor the person who removed the boulder. The peasant learned what many of us never understand! Every obstacle presents an opportunity to improve our condition. He also learned the fundamental secret behind investing. You make money by improving the world around you. Yes, you can start a home based business that fulfils your needs, but if it doesn*t help society, you won*t make any money. There is also another lesson to be learned from this story. The peasant failed, and failed, and failed, but he learned from each attempt. Finally, he succeeded. And, rewards were immediate. Too many people in today's world think that only special people should invest. There is no university course , social status, or wealth status, that breeds natural born investors. The peasant in the story was no different than all the other peasants, noblemen, and merchants. The only thing he did different was try. No one would balk at spending five years in university learning a trade, and investing $50 000 into their education. But, ask a work at home business person to study their market for more than a few months, learning the art of success, and learning why others fail * and they walk away. In fact, many work at home business people refuse to invest any money into their business * they just won*t try. It is all in the mindset of the person. Do you really want to succeed? There is a saying in the work at home community, *The only way to fail is to quit.*
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