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Article Surfing ArchiveSuccessful People are Professionals and Entrepreneurs! - Articles SurfingThis is a secret to the financial success of the Jewish tribe. Many Jewish families understand that professional credentials are the best union cards to higher salaries. Think about it. Some of the highest earning individuals I know are car mechanics and plumbers who worked regular jobs AND studied hard to get the best possible training and certifications in the field. A medical degree for instance is simple a way to make sure that only certain people get to practice medicine. I know that the idea is that those certain people allowed into the field have been forced to learn a certain skill set considered acceptable in the health industry but from an economic standpoint the intention is also to restrict the number of practitioners to insure higher incomes. Many more Jewish families as compared to other ethnicities understand that business ownership is another road to high income if proper management skills are developed. I remember taking an entrepreneurship class at the master's level and a Jewish man made an interesting statement. He said that in the Jewish culture if a young man or woman tries to start a business and fails the rest of the family will say, *It's just your first try, try again!* In a lower income ethnicity the rest of the family will ridicule the family member to death. In lower income ethnicities entrepreneurial failure is seen as a sign of irrevocable incompetence. In contrast in higher income ethnicities entrepreneurial failure is seen as training! This is exactly how you have to approach your stock investment learning. Your first tries in the stock market may be clumsy but you will be gaining familiarity. As long as you keep a positive outlook on what you are doing you will learn from your mistakes and improve and eventually grow wealthy. If you let your own mind start to doubt what you are doing or let friends of family members convince you that you can*t do it than you will fail even if you are close to success.
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