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Article Surfing ArchiveTap Into The Job Market - Articles SurfingIf you're currently in the job market, here's the little known secret to tapping into the most lucrative, yet hidden jobs available. Even in this economy, there are still millions of great jobs out there. It's just that many of the best ones never make their way to the classifieds. Instead, they're taken by people who know about them before they're ever advertised. Imagine how great it would be if you had thousands of friends who'd always tell you about unadvertised jobs that you're perfect for. As they say, it's not what you know it's who you know. The secret to getting the unadvertised jobs is to make friends out of really good recruiters. And not just a few, but LOTS of them. Here's why, and how you do it: Recruiters, otherwise known as headhunters or search consultants, are hired by companies to find candidates to fill open positions. These jobs are often never advertised. But the secret of how to best use recruiters is to first realize that contrary to popular belief they don't work for you. This is an important fact that most job seekers don't understand. The key to maximizing recruiters is to understand the following: Recruiters don't find jobs for people -- they find people for jobs. It's an important distinction to understand if you want to get a job through a recruiter. In todays job market most companies are seeking employees who are currently working. These are termed passive candidates because they are not actively seeking employment. So the paradox comes in, how do seem to look passive but make sure the recruiters who are searching for people to fill a job contact you? So to get the hidden jobs, you have to realize it's a numbers game and you must play it well by getting your resume to as many recruiters as you can, that specialize in people with your skills, in your field and in your geographic area. You can search the internet and find various lists of executive recruiters. However, they're not well organized, complete or easy to find. But most importantly they may not service the industry you are seeking a job in. Remember recruiters are seeking to fill a specific job in a specific industry. The power of the internet can now be put to working and quickly get your passive resume into the hands of thousands of industry specific recruiters. www.SkillCaster.com can distribute those resumes quickly for you and save you all the time consuming research of find industry specific recruiters. The SkillCaster recruiter network is filled with pre-screened and talented recruiters that have connections to tons of unadvertised jobs. Your resume is instantly emailed to 1000's of recruiters in your selected areas, specializing in your selected skill sets and your resume. This is a very effective yet little known way to quickly gain access to the unadvertised jobs. To check out SkillCaster, go to this link. While some recruiters may not have something for you today, if their clients regularly look for people with your skills, they will add you to their database. That's a good thing. The first place a recruiter looks when a client comes to them with a job to fill, is their own personal candidate database. It's never too late or too early to start networking with recruiters who specialize in people like you.
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