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Choosing the Right Typing Tutor for Your Kids - Articles Surfing

There is no one important skill than the typing skill in today's computer oriented world. From the server in a supermarket to a CEO in a corporation, from a clerk in a company to a president in an enterprise, typing skill is necessary. As well as a home worker, the typing skill is important, however. So the earlier you master the typing skill, the more advantage you take.

For your kids, typing skill is just as important as writing. Writing can help your kids communicate with others free, also typing skill is the same effect, even more convenient, however. Nowadays, kids live in the computer world, and they communicate with others by internet, such as email, msn instead of the tradition communication mode: letter. Then teach your kids typing skills when they are young, and typing skill will become second nature to them.

Kids learn things easier than adults. But for kids starting learning typing skills, they just "play" with the keyboard. This is a waster of time for them and, worse, kids get into the bad habit of typing with two fingers. However, if kids can learn correct typing techniques with proper finger placement and movement and without looking at the keyboard, no more hunt and peck and two finger typing. It will help them with school work: do research, surf the web, write papers, and save time with school work!

Apparently, choosing the right typing tutor for your kids is so important. The typing tutor is to help your kids develop a good typing habit in their earlier age. Once kids develop a good typing habit, their typing speed and accuracy can develop.

Here, list a few advantage when choosing a right typing tutor.

First, the typing tutor must be easy to use. For kids, they have no more computer skill, and then the typing tutor may give kids easy instruction how to use it and how to take practice as well.

Second, the typing tutor must be fun. For kids' nature, they like funny things and are willing to learn what they are interesting in. As parents known whether children want to learn a thing or not largely depends on whether they are attracted by it. Based on this, the typing tutor must be appealing to children. Once children love and develop interest in it, they will learn to type on their own initiative.

Third, the tying tutor must have rich features. For kids, they are always fond of the colorful interface things and like to do the thing when playing. So the typing tutor should offer rich features for them. When kids learn to type, they can enjoy the playing pleasure, as well as the study pleasure.

Fourth, the typing tutor may include a complete course for learning to type. After all, parents want kids to learn typing, and master the typing skills. So the typing tutor not only offers the course from the basic keys to the sentences, but also offers the course from typing practice to typing test. Kids can start learning typing with individual letters, then move smoothly on to words and complete sentences. Children can advance at their own pace, without pressure.

Finally, the typing tutor should offer typing games. Generally, kids naturally like to play games, because when playing games, they are always attracted by the colorful interface and pretty music in the games, and above all, they're able to learn something quickly under no pressure.

Finding an effective typing tutor for your kids is necessary. When your kids develop their interesting in learning typing and, they master the typing skills quickly. To find a right typing tutor for your kids, visit GS Typing Tutor at http://www.typingstar.com/

Submitted by:

June Shu



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