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Equality in Education: Online Tutoring is the non-discrimination answer - Articles Surfing

One of the major ways to communicate in this century is the internet. This is because of the internet's ability to reach people in all locations and with diverse cultural backgrounds any time of the day. The internet does not discriminate against religion, race, education, class, or background which helps build a sense of equality in bettering a student's education. Due to the positive atmosphere the internet can create, online education will produce a healthier learning environment and a greater quality of education to all society. The best way to enhance this generations education is with online education, which is online tutoring, because of the availability, convenience, and affordable sessions provided by various companies.

Online education is the idea of the student and the instructor, separated by time and distance, both using the internet to communicate and establish building blocks in education. The process of online learning is presented in a virtual classroom setting and presents a more traditional teaching/learning method due to the one-on-one interaction. Online tutoring provides written words with broader meanings. The tutor and the students are able to engage more actively during each session allowing time to think and respond in a stress free environment. Online education has a higher level of student participation because of the sense of animosity in the classroom. One major pro about online tutoring is that students who are apprehensive about communicating in a classroom are more likely to participate and freely express their thoughts during online tutoring sessions.

An important aspects of online tutoring is the issue of religion, race, social class, age, and expertise are not debated in the virtual classroom. Every student attending online tutoring sessions have an equal opportunity to learn and expand their education. Online tutoring is dependent upon learning styles and the ability to want to learn. Each student's background or home life is not an issue, but is their character is based on behavior, based on new knowledge, skill and attitude. Tutors are able to cater each lesson plan around specific needs and learning abilities during each session.

During online sessions, tutors provide clear guidelines for interaction in the virtual classroom. Students are quickly become aware of the symbols and style of learning during each session. Since this is the digital generation online tutoring is easier for them to comprehend. By the 8th grade, most students have been using instant messenger, emailing, or text messaging their friends for some time. Online tutors provide a different kind of feedback than face-to-face tutors. Online tutors are able to provide informational and reinforcement feedback. Students are given positive acknowledgement the entire tutoring session making them feel comfortable in their learning environment and what they are being taught. The internet is the greatest resource of the time and during online tutoring sessions, the internet can provide examples, additional support, and learning tools specifically dependent on that learning session. Overall, students react positive to online tutoring sessions and will keep using this tool for support in their education.

The internet is the great resource of this century and can reach a huge amount of students who are in need of academic success. The internet does not allow people to discriminate based on religion, race, education, social class, or background, but is based upon the individual's self-worth and attitude. Online tutoring can help students with an academic difficulty and help them achieve higher levels of learning not depending on the background of that student. Online tutoring is the keystone to education because of the many positive aspects of learning possibilities.

Submitted by:

Debbie Cluff

Debbie Cluff is the owner of Links for Learning, www.links-for-learning.com, an online tutoring and instant homework help site for k-12th grade. She also runs Just for Emma, www.justforemma.com, the ultimate one stop girl's shop for infants, toddlers, preschool girls, and elementary aged students. She is the mother of 3 and oldest of 10 kids. She has been in the 6th grade and 1st grade classroom as well teaching in the Title 1 program in Alhambra, California. She is currently teaching preschool in Orem, Utah.



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