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Science Fair Projects-A Great Way To Challenge And Engage Your Child - Articles Surfing

There are many things that can challenge and engage your child's mind. They can read books, do puzzles, or just figure out things that stump the mind. This is where science fair projects come in. Science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind. Here are 4 reasons why.

The 1st reason science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind is because it gets them thinking how things are put together and what makes them work. For instance your child wants to do a science fair project on how a light switch turns on a light. This will challenge and engage your child's mind because it will make them have to think. Your child can do some research and figure out what causes the energy to go through a switch that is goes up through the wires and turns on the light bulb. After your child finds out how it works they could make a model and see if they could wire up a light bulb to display as part of their science fair project.

The 2nd reason science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind is because it makes them have to think outside the box. Science projects makes your child have to take into consideration why something does what is does. Science projects help engage their minds because they have to stop and think how they can get something to work so they can present their ideas and show how it works.

The 3rd reason science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind is by helping your child to think more in depth. They actually have to think of something that they want to learn more about. Then they have to figure out where to go to find the most accurate source of information. For example say you child want to know how milk gets to the grocery store. You could see if there is a local dairy farm in your area and see if you could make an appointment to take your child to the dairy farm and show them where the milk come from. Then take your child through the whole process. This will help to challenge and engage your child's mind because they will have to think about what exactly has to happen to insure that the milk gets to the grocery store.

The 4th reason science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind is because they help your child to investigate things. For instance take a child that is interested in how investigators take finger prints. Your child could do a science project on how a finger print is taken off of evidence. This will help challenge your child's mind because they will have to research and find different ways to find information on how to get a finger print. Then they will have to figure out a way to display what they have found.

These are all reasons science fair projects are a great way to challenge and engage your child's mind. Make sure to give your child encouragement and all of the help and support you can. Make sure to let your child know that you are interested in what they are doing. This will help your child want to do the best they can on their science project.

Submitted by:

Chuck Lunsford

Chick Lunsford

Just Science Projects is a great source for ideas about science projects and experiments for kids . Whether you're looking to teach a child to learn to analyze from science experiments, science projects, or science fair ideas make it great fun. Visit http://JustScienceProjects.com or call us at 206-498-6502.



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