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Article Surfing ArchiveThe Benefits Of Learning A Foreign Language - Articles SurfingIf you're wondering whether or not it's worth the time to learn a foreign language, read these Top Benefits of Learning A Foreign Language before you decide. #1 Reason for learning a foreign language: More money and better job opportunities. A recent article in the NY Times quoted New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer on the subject of a lawsuit filed against the State of NY charging that "lack of basic translation services in several New York City hospitals is endangering immigrant patients and violating state and federal law." It's lawsuits like this that underline the importance of employers hiring people that can speak a foreign language. As the lawsuit points out, it's no longer a matter of political correctness to be able to service your customers in their native language. In some instances, such as public health and public safety organizations, it can be truly a matter of live or death! Many employers are responding to the need to hire people who speak a foreign language by offering more money to start and higher raises throughout their career. In addition to pay scale, being able to speak a foreign can also help open the opportunity to qualify for more exotic and interesting jobs such as foreign service officer for the CIA or State Department, or foreign language specialist for the National Security Agency. #2 Reason for learning a foreign language: Increased perception of intelligence. It is a generally accepted notion that people who speak a second or foreign language are perceived as being more intelligent than those who do not have any foreign language skills. In Europe, where the majority of the population speaks their own native language as well as at least English, if not a third or even fourth foreign language, Americans are perceived as being less intelligent because we are not bilingual for the most part. #3 Reason for learning a foreign language: More social opportunities When you speak a foreign language you have the opportunity to associate with others who either speak the language natively or have learned a foreign language in addition to their own native language. You end up expanding your circle of social and business contacts and, as a result, you are open to being invited to more social and business functions. #4 Reason for learning a foreign language: More rewarding travel opportunities It's just plain more fun and interesting when you vacation in a country where you speak the language. Not only do the locals treat you better, because they see that you made an effort to learn their language, but you get better service in shops and restaurants because you can read the signs, understand the menu, and converse better with the staff. Being able to speak the native foreign language can be a lifesaver if you have a medical emergency and have to communicate your symptoms to medical staff who may not speak English as well as you would hope they could. For a look at a unique way to learn a foreign language using an amazing technique known as "foreign language immersion", visit Language Skills Abroad at http://www.languageskillsabroad.com/.
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