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Chinese Zodiac Forest For Rat And Horse Of 2008 - Articles Surfing

Rat is the first animal in Chinese zodiac signs. 2008 is the year of Earth Rat. But unfortunately, the rat is not going to be as lucky as last year-the year of pig. There are several unlucky stars influencing the rat in 2008. Therefore, there's still 8 favorable months ahead for the rat. In general, you are looking at a 50-50 year. The luck of career and wealth are good for rats; but in the area of love and health, the rat will not be very lucky.

Rat Career

In the area of career, the rat has a lucky star around in 2008. The boss or manager of your company will appreciate your talent and you will get the promotion for which you have been always looking. But, it won't happen if don't fight for it. For merchants, bankers and salespeople, you will make more than sufficient money. And, the year of 2008 will be the best time for the rats to begin a new business venture. If you have been dreaming to become a boss, be alert for the opportunities.

Rat Romance

It's not a lucky years for rats in love area. For married people, you'll have frequent quarrels with your partner for different opinions of dealing with details of daily life. For those in love, it's not a good time to push a existing relationship to the next level. There's a big chance that your lover will fall in love with others. For the singles, set aside some time for social life, you might find new love interests, but don't expect things to develop rapidly.

Rat Health

Several unlucky stars know your number. You are vulnerable to accidents and diseases. Too much pressure and lack of sleep might be two possible candidates of your bad health. If something develops that seems like a problem, get it checked out right away. No matter what age you are, do a general annual checkup. Remember the old Chinese saying: Having good health is lucky, wealth is just something out of your body.

Both Earth and Rat don't favor you. The horse might be the one who has the worst luck in the 12 Chinese zodiac signs in the year of Rat. No lucky star comes to you, and a lots of unlucky stars have your number. So you must be very very cautious this year.

Horse Career

Comparing to last year, your career turns to get worse. You are likely to make big mistakes at work this year, so treat contractions and agreements carefully, read the details over and over again, make sure there's no problem. Moreover, the year of Rat is no a good time for the horse to make money. Avoid speculative investment and don't buy any unsteady stocks.

Horse Romance

The pround horse won't roll his hoop in love area. The old horse's spouse is vulnerable to terrible illness. The married male horse is likely to cheat on his wife and then divorce. The single horse may not meet "the one".

Horse Health

As you are unlucky in 2008, you'd better not go to hospitals and funerals. Your situation of health is not steady in Rat year. In most time of the year, you'll feel too tired to do anything not related to your job. Therefore, you should avoid unnecessary social intercourse and dinner parties. Take a extended rest and relaxation.

Suggestions for Horse

If you have Ox friends, contact with them, as they could pass some good luck to you. In general, be careful of everything, and you could avoid disasters.

Submitted by:

Monica Potter

http://www.chinesezodiacs.org http://www.chinesezodiacs.org/Rat_2008_Horoscope.html http://www.chinesezodiacs.org/Horse_2008_Horoscope.html



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