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Obedience Training Benefits Everyone - Articles Surfing

A well behaved, obedience trained dog is a pleasure to own because he can go virtually anywhere without being a risk or nuisance to others. And don't we all want a dog who exhibits appropriate behavior in a crowd, good manners when we have guests in our home, is reliable around children, and who doesn't threaten other dogs or passers-by?

Note: Never ever move forward to the next level with out having mastered the preceding step. And remember you never should correct your dog by hitting. Before we start the training I will state below a few things as they occur in the training process.

Difficulty of the command

Always begin teaching your puppy or dog the easiest command(s) possible (i.e.: "Look", "Sit", etc.). Very gradually introduce new and more difficult commands; making sure the dog knows the preceding command before he is moved to the next level.

Degree of inherent genetic compatibility with a given command

Consider your dog's genetic makeup. If you have a Basset Hound and want to teach him personal protection, you may have your work cut out for you. If instead, you have a German shepherd or Rottweiler from Schutzhund lines, you'll probably have an easier time teaching him personal protection. Using the above example, if you have a Labrador Retriever from field lines that you are interested in teaching to fetch a ball, you're dog is likely to learn how to retrieve relatively easily.

Duration of time

When initially teaching a new command, such as "Sit", if your dog sits for even just a second or two, he should be praised, use the same type of voice you would on a baby high pitched and happy. Praise reward and release him/her. Gradually, the duration of time your dog should be taught to remain in position should be increased.

Note: Make sure your dog is physically comfortable throughout any training exercises. Always release your dog from a command/session before s/he becomes stressed. Short and sweet sessions are often best. Always end sessions on a positive note!

Distraction level

Start training each new command in an area free of distractions, such as your home or yard. Once your dog is responding reliably, gradually increase the distraction level. Add distractions such as:

  1. Bouncing a ball
  2. Throwing a ball/toy
  3. Squeak a toy
  4. Doing "Jumping Jacks"
  5. Singing a song
  6. Running around your dog
  7. Playing "Ring-Around-The-Rosie" around your dog
  8. Play "Patty Cakes" with a friend in front of your dog
  9. Have dogs heel around your dog
  10. Throw treats around your dog
    NOTE: Never use a distraction that frightens your dog.

Distance between you and your dog

Begin teaching a command with you dog right next to or in front of you. Gradually increase the distance between you and your dog to 30 feet.

Distance between your dog and an object of attraction

If your dog is 3 feet from you and 37 feet from a squirrel, flock of pigeons, or another dog, you have a greater likelihood of getting your dog to respond to a command than if your dog is 37 feet from you and 3 feet from a squirrel, flock of pigeons, or another dog! Once your dog is reliable in the face of distant distractions, gradually, decrease the distance between your dog and any "objects of attraction".

Different locations

Just because your puppy will respond to the word "Sit" in your living room, it doesn't mean he understands that command in the context of the local dog run. Don't expect your dog to automatically generalize the meaning of a given command in every environment or context. Once your dog fully understands a command at home, it is important to re-teach the command in many different locations. Make sure to practice commands in both rural and urban locations.

Different surfaces

Practice commands on a variety of surfaces including:

  1. Cement sidewalks
  2. Grass-covered lawns
  3. On sand
  4. On dirt

Different object surfaces

  1. On a chair
  2. On a table
  3. On a low wall
  4. On a log
  5. On a surf board in the ocean
  6. On the back of a horse

Differing order of commands given

A "pattern trained" dog will always expect one specific command to follow another specific command. This can work for or against you depending on the circumstances. Usually it is advisable not to pattern train, as your dog will have greater difficulty learning how to respond to a given command that is out of order.

Different contexts

Many dogs have difficulty responding to commands that are given out of context to normal training situations. Many dogs simply have not yet fully generalized a given command.

Try giving known commands:

  1. As you're walking down the street with your dog.
  2. When you're in your local pet supply store.
  3. While you're on line at the bank
  4. When you're both within five to ten feet of your local dog run entrance, while dogs come and go.
  5. While inside the dog run with your dog, both with and without a leash.
  6. When riding in a moving elevator (assuming your dog is already acclimated to riding in moving elevators).

The best time of the day to train your dog

There really is no "best time of day," but I find it easiest to train if the dog is hungry (I use food rewards). That way, the dog will want to do things well, so he gets a treat.

If you have a choice between a sleeping dog and an excited one, I would try for the sleeping dog. She can make that sleep up later, but trying to train an overly excited dog is darn near impossible!

As far as the basement, yes, by all means, if she likes that area, go for it! What better way than to train in an area that your dog already likes. It will make it an even more enjoyable experience.

I would probably close the door so your other dog can't get in. You don't want the distraction, at least in the initial training stages.

The best age range to teach a dog to obey

A good time to start the obedience training is about 6-7 weeks of age and to start with small amounts of time like 15 min or less twice a day. All Your basics like sit stay down off heel on lead and anything else u want them to learn. I would train them first not to chew on your hands or clothes or wires around the house since that's their big thing around that age, or not to jump on you when you play with them or feed them so that they will know that those are no no's early on and make it easier for later on when you start with the other stuff. In addition, I think potty training as early as possible is good too. We will discuss all that as we move forward with the training.

Submitted by:

Brett Fogle

Brett Fogle is the author of Dog House Training Secrets An Easy-To-Follow, No-Nonsense, Ebook about Dog Training. Learn To Train Your Dog in 7 Days or Less -- Guaranteed!

Click Here Now: http://www.Dog-House-Training-Secrets.com




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