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Caffeine Secret That's Worth More Than A Cup Of Coffee - Articles Surfing

Cellulite means big business. In recent years, Americans alone spend close to $100 million annually on products and services that fight off cellulite. And this figure does not even include money spent on exercise equipment and membership fees in gyms. But if only people with cellulite looked for alternative solutions further, they would not have spent a fortune in their struggle against cellulite.

One big example is coffee. It does sound so unbelievable but the caffeine found in coffee has been scientifically proven to help regulate the growth of cellulite in the body. Basically, the growth of cellulite is caused by poor blood circulation, particularly in the areas near the skin. Coffee can hinder cellulite because the caffeine in it opens passageways and stimulates blood flow.

In fact, caffeine or its derivatives have been an important ingredient in most cellulite-cutting products. Women who use topical products that contain caffeine have reported that, after a few weeks, an average of about one inch have been reduced from the size of their hips, thighs, arms and other areas that have fatty cellulite deposits.

Another proof that caffeine is indeed becoming known for its effectiveness in dissolving cellulite is the arrival of lingerie laced with caffeine. These stockings are supposed to fight off cellulite while being worn. And although putting caffeine in women's underwear is not exactly commonplace, some companies have even added moisturizers for a complete skin care treatment.

Caffeine-laced stockings release the substance when the body's temperature rises. As caffeine is activated, there is an increased blood flow in the affected areas thereby causing the fatty deposits to be burned. And if you ask about lasting effects; well, the potency of the caffeine added to this type of lingerie can last for an average of four to five washes.

However, if you do not have the time to go shopping around or if you do not fancy cellulite creams and cellulite-laced stockings, you can choose a more direct approach. If you want to witness the wonders of caffeine in deflating cellulites, you can directly rub caffeine on parts of your body that have unwanted fatty deposits. This means, literally applying coffee on your skin.

To go about applying caffeine on your skin, you just don't take a handful of coffee granules and rub it on your thighs, hips, or wherever. There is a process involved if you want to use coffee directly on your cellulite. The most common procedure for this is to mix coffee powder or used up grounds with lotion or olive oil. After applying the mixture onto your cellulite areas, wrap those areas with plastic and let stand for about fifteen to thirty minutes. When the time is up, remove the wrap and rinse the areas with warm water. Repeat the procedure for at least two times a week and your cellulite will be remarkably diminished.

According to a research about the direct application of coffee on areas of the body affected by cellulite, more than 70% of all the women subjected to the test have experienced noticeable decrease in the size of cellulite in their bodies, particularly in the thigh area. And in an industry that has a very high level of competition, this rate really means something. Indeed, using coffee to defeat cellulite is effective.

So the next time you ask for a cup of coffee, remember that coffee is not just a drink that can perk you up all day and night. It is your ally in attaining a sexier figure. Combine caffeine from coffee with a healthy diet to reduce cellulite in your body.

Submitted by:

Sharon Bell

Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com.



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