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Article Surfing Archive5 Water Feature Ideas For Your Back Yard - Articles SurfingLooking to add a little bit of nature's serenity to your patio of backyard landscape? What better way than using water, one of the most soothing elements. Here are five water feature ideas for your consideration as you make your plans. Idea One: Go All Out With A Waterfall This is your chance to have the ultimate water feature! Build a waterfall out of natural rock that is actually to nature's scale. You decide exactly what size this is for your yard, but try and make is as realistic as possible. Use rocks and stones of varying dimensions to build the actual structure. Then, pick up a waterfall kit fro your home center. This kit will usually consist of a pump and the necessary housing to needed to circulate the water Idea Two: Splashing Bird Bath Fountain Add an easy bird bath type fountain to your patio. Think of the traditional bird bath, but consider that they now come in many varieties. Many have built in pumps to keep the water moving. All you have to do is fill it up and plug it in. Your feathered friends will thank you too! Idea Three: Water In The Sky If you already have a decent sized pond or lake in your yard, why not add a floating water fountain? They come in many varieties and spray patterns, from pulsating or "dancing" water to sky high vertical water jets. Some are even solar powered so there's not much else to do after you set them afloat. Idea Four: Abstract Wall Fountain Looking for a water feature that's a little more abstract or artistic? The wall fountain might be the perfect option for you. While flat so they mount easily against a wall, these often give the illusion of being deeper or fuller than they are. Many will have a unique eye catching trick, such as making the water seem to flow upwards. Idea Five: Peaceful Miniature Serenity Maybe you just want the easiest and most economical way to experience the peaceful trickle of gently flowing water while relaxing on your patio or deck. If that's the case, you can find all kinds of miniature fountains made from flower pots or other similar d'cor. Many times, they'll be Asian themed with bamboo accents. These do work nicely and are always a pleasant addition to your outdoor living space!
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