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Awning - A Great Home Or Business Feature - Articles SurfingAn awning is actually a type of canopy, typically made fromcanvas. You will find awnings used on houses, mobile homes,RVs, and businesses to help protect an area such as a porch ordeck from sunshine and rain. In addition, most awning designsactually block out harmful UV rays from the sun. The benefithere is that furniture, carpeting, wall paint, and artwork doesnot fade from direct sunlight. However, the protection anawning provides, helping to keep heat outside, people notice themonthly utility bill decreasing. Just as many features for a home or business, awnings areavailable in many different options. For example, you couldchoose a complete awning that runs the entire length of yourdeck or patio or if you prefer, a smaller awning that might keepsunlight off the front door. Many awnings are so thick and wellmade that they also provide some level of protection from snowand cold wind. In this case, you might consider adding achimera for warmth while still being able to enjoy the outside. In addition to various sizes, awnings also come in a hugeselection of designs and prices. For example, a simple awningcould cost between $250 and $400 while a motorized awning couldbe $3,000 or more. Before you make your final decision, wesuggest you do some shopping locally, as well as check some ofthe online resources. Chances are that you will find a numberof awnings you like. Although local sales are always possible,online websites could be the way to go for saving money. If you think you want to add an awning to your home or business,you might invest in having it professionally installed. Although you could probably do some awning installations,generally the job is a little more difficult than it looks. Oneword of advice ' check companies that offer free installation. While the price might be slightly higher, when comparing with acompany that charges for both the awning and installation, youmight save. Then, there is the variety of colors and designs. The niceaspect here is that you can create any look you want whileenhancing your home or business. If you want a sophisticatedlook, perfect for entertaining friends, then a white or taupeand white striped awning would be gorgeous. However, if youwant an awning simply to coordinate with the house, you willfind all types of colors and patterns from which to choose. Awnings are also made with many unique features. An exceptionalchoice is the retractable awning. With this, you can crank orpush an automatic button and the awning rolls up and out ofsight. When ready to escape the heat, sun, or rain, you wouldsimply go through the reverse process. The benefit with thisfeature is that if a storm brews and the wind picks up, theawning can be pulled in to avoid damage. Remember, in addition to adding an awning over your deck orpatio, you can also add them over a door, window, balcony, orterrace. Immediately, the appearance of your home will beimproved without blocking out any beautiful views. Consideringthere are literally thousands of companies making and sellingawnings, finding a deal and the right design is not difficult.
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