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Article Surfing Archive10 Neat Ideas To Consider When Remodeling Your Bathroom - Articles SurfingOut of all the home improvement projects, few can provide the benefits of a bathroom remodeling project. Remodeling the bathroom is a great way to add real value to your home. On the plus side of that, it will increase the enjoyment level of yourself and your family. There are a number of things to consider before undertaking such a major project. They are: 1. Keep your eye on the ball. It is important to see the bathroom remodeling project as a whole project. Even though there are many small hurdles to tackle, it is important to see the project as a whole. 2. No remodeling project can be successful without a realistic budget. Take the time to draw up an honest budget, and try your best to stick to it. 3. Get a reliable contractor. For most people, remodeling the bathroom is not a do it yourself project. It is important to find a contractor who has experience with plumbing and remodeling bathrooms. 4. Get a detailed inspection of your bathroom done before you start. A good idea would be to have a plumber inspect your bathroom for leaks and other problems before you start. 5. Now is your chance to be more energy efficient. Chances are you will be able to save money in the long run by installing low flow toilets, water saving showerheads and other energy efficient fixtures. 6. Stay organized. Proper organization is essential to a successful bathroom remodeling project. Use a calendar to keep track of important deadlines, and remain organized as you go forward. 7. Draw your proposed bathroom design. If you want a larger bathtub, or even a jettub, be sure to draw it out and make sure you have enough space. There is also software where you can input your design including fixtures, furniture, flooring and more. Either way works great. 8. Storage space is at a premium in many modern bathrooms. See if you can remodel to gain more cabinet and storage space. 9. Be sure to shop around for what you need in order to get the best price. The prices on the same fixtures can vary quite a bit between stores. 10. A fresh coat of paint can make a huge difference when remodeling the bathroom, but many people fail to take this important and inexpensive step. I also suggest that you go out and have fun looking at the bathrooms in show homes. They have all of the latest trends in the marketplace and will save you much time and effort in trying to come up with ideas yourself. This would be a great aid in the placement of fixtures and you can see, for example how important cupboards and storage are. The main thing to remember is have fun and enjoy the project and your new bathroom!
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