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IT Resume Tips For More Interviews - Articles Surfing

As the recruitment firm that introduced IT contracting to Australia we have put together a list of do's and don'ts for your next resume. If you are in IT and want more success out of your applications then you need to follow this advice. The fact is we still only work in the IT industry, and our advice is what is getting results for our clients today. So these tips are not theoretically, they are what work in real life situations everyday. You should use these tips yourself to ensure your resume stands out over all the other candidates when you apply for an attractive job.

As you know, IT work is generally technical in nature, which can sometimes make it is easy for candidates to get lost in the detail of their work and forget about formatting and the nature of the content. The goal of this article is to provide you with advice that will increase the probability that you'll be selected for an interview. That is after all the only goal your resume should have. After that its up to you to showcase your skills and experience in person.
Therefore, without any more time, here are some very important resume tips that you should follow when putting together your next resume.

' Use bullet points, rather than having big chunks of text that is hard to scan through.

' Use MS Word, in preference to a pdf file.

' Use standard font types and minimal effects such as fancy borders or colors. Use only several font type and size combinations throughout the whole document. This will minimize potential compatibility issues between different Word application versions and minimize reader distractions.

' Tailor each resume and cover letter for the position you are applying. If possible, try to use similar terminology that which was used in the advertisement or job description.

' A resume of between 3 and up to a maximum of 10 pages is reasonable if you have an established career. Beyond this, it may be worth reviewing and removing irrelevant information.

' Remember, 'white space' is important. Set out your resume so that it does not appear cramped, and ensure there is enough space between relevant sections.

' Providing a technical skills matrix means that whoever is reviewing your resume can see at a glance your areas of expertise. You may wish to indicate your skill level for each skills listed (e.g. Advanced, Intermediate etc.), or indicate how many years of experience you have for each.

' Providing information on the technical environment per position gives an idea of how relevant and up to date your skills are, and the depth & breadth of the environment in which you worked.

' Give an insight into the organization/ company you worked for. Is it a large multi-national? How many employees? What is the nature of the business? Don't assume the reader has heard of the company or understands what it is the organization does.

' If you were working on a particular project, provide details of the size and budget of the project, in terms of how many resources were involved and the dollar value of the project.

' Personal skills ' you can either incorporate your key strengths in your personal profile, or list these separately. This gives the reader a more in-depth understanding of exactly what you as an individual can offer.

' Avoid putting a photo on your resume. Keep other graphical images to a minimum.

' Use the past tense and choose strong descriptive verbs - i.e. Managed a team of 8 Developers.

' Avoid speaking about yourself in the third person. i.e. John Smith is an IT Professional ... , rather it should read ' An IT Professional with 8 years experience

' SPELL CHECK your resume. Additionally, get another person to check that it reads correctly and that there are no other errors or grammatical mistakes.

If you are looking for an IT position in Australia (or elsewhere), be sure to follow these exact tips, as they will help you to stand out over your competitors and land you more interviews.

Submitted by:

P Johnson

ADAPS IT Recruitment specializes in IT Recruitment in Sydney and Melbourne Australia. Click here to visit www.adaps.com.au for jobs and tips on how to get your next IT job.



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