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Common Sense Is The Best Leadership Quality - Articles Surfing

While there is no doubt about the fact that common sense works where all other techniques fail it is equally true that common sense is not all that common. Common sense is the best leadership tool you can use to lead your team. It is often seen that leaders who go by the book do not manage to get the same results as another leader who just uses plain and simple common sense manages to achieve. The trouble with those who have loads of specialized education on leadership is that they get entangled in their theories and lose sight of the practicality of the situation. On the other hand, those who are less pretentious and use their common sense only, get things done more effectively.

What I have learned is that authentic people are relatively rare. What I mean by the term authentic is someone who is genuine. Their thoughts, ideas, feelings are not pre-fabricated. I value people who are genuine even if they completely disagree with me. Great leadership is about connecting in a genuine way.

The truth is that getting more from your employees is simpler than you think. Some leaders just don't have a clue about it, that's all. For instance, the first basic truth is that a positive approach is far more effective than a negative one. Just put yourself in their place. Imagine how you felt when asked to carry out tasks that you were clearly overqualified to do. Think of the times when you had to stay late because members of management didn't turn their report submissions in by the assigned deadline. If you can always keep those times at the back of your mind, you will be able to lead in a different way that will be more understanding, compassionate and encouraging. The trick of the trade is to give appreciation where it is due and to recognize the effort put in by your juniors. After all, the accolades that you receive for the good work are mainly because of them. And, it depends entirely on you to get the best out of them.

Never make the mistake of treating your team as just employees. Respect them and recognize their contribution. Effective and efficient leadership involves a display of appreciation for your employees and their hard work. It is important to know that you can't force, intimidate or manipulate your employees to do anything. They will lose respect for you if you try to do any of these things. Consequently, you will face problems like poor-quality work and disgruntled workers. They will start absenting themselves from work due to stress caused by your overbearing ways of leading and managing your staff.

So, common sense demands that you appreciate them regularly and if you show keen perception of their work, they will not mind you pulling them up once in a while, if the situation requires it. Then, they will see the reason behind it and respect you more for it. Basically, you have to give your team the confidence that you are there for them ' if they do good work, you will share the bouquets with them. Everyone likes to be appreciated; it is simple human nature.

Unfortunately, common sense can't be taught. You either have it or you don't. However, if you keep the basic rules of good leadership in mind, you may be able to inculcate leadership qualities. Leadership is showing appreciation, respect, and recognition to your team. Your future depends on it. You couldn't succeed in your job as a leader, if it wasn't for your employees. You need to wake up if you are in a position where you're experiencing high turn-over rates and low-quality work from your employees. The fault lies with you, know that for sure. The sooner you realize it, you will be able to make amends and carry your team with you towards more productivity and better results.

Submitted by:

Harald Anderson

Harald Anderson is the co-founder of artinspires.com one of the internets leading inspirational poster gallery. His goal in life is to become the kind of person his dog already thinks he is. Military Art



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