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Is Your Business Blooming? Succeed By Slowing Down - Articles Surfing

I was walking out of a recent business networking meeting last week, I looked outside and reflected on the gorgeous morning.

Spring in Central Oregon was in full bloom.

More cars were driving on the road, the deer had returned to the region, and the stores were brimming with fresh daffodils (the only deer-proof flower in this region!)

You could actually FEEL the rush of excitement about the new season.

Yet sometimes, as I have learned, slowing down is the best way to energize your business. In this issue, marketing genius Ted Nicholas shares his proven formula for accomplishing great things...by slowing down.

I have applied steps 1, 3, 4, and 6 from Ted's article. His methods have worked wonders for me. Enjoy his words of wisdom and send me your comments.

--Lisa Nirell
Here is Ted's article...

"Increase Your Success Margin By How You Start Your Day"
- Ted Nicholas
(855 words, Read time: 7 minutes)

The way you start your morning is by far the most important part of the day.
In my view, most people start their day in a hurry. They are engaged in a flurry of activity. The goal is to get more done. But just the opposite occurs.

The result of the typical morning is lack of focused energy. And enormous tension, stress and frustration. This can take a severe toll on health, relationships, and satisfaction with life.

The secret to achieving a completely opposite and desirable result is this. Creating a period of morning quiet time for yourself. And using it in a certain way.

Today I'll share my techniques. The result on your effectiveness will astonish you. You will be more creative and less stressed all day. Plus, you will become far more productive and successful. Best of all, your level of happiness and contentment with life will increase.

I know you are busy. So are most productive people. Undoubtedly there are constant demands on your time from your business, clients, employees, suppliers, as well as from loved ones, including children. But a quiet time period of 30 minutes to an hour in the morning is so important it will change your life. It may seem at first as though quiet time is wasted time.

But I promise you that your productivity will vastly increase.

To free up the quiet time, you will have to make some adjustments.

You may need to go to sleep one-half hour to an hour earlier or watch an hour less T.V.

Many people, including friends and clients, are amazed at my productivity level. They express astonishment that I can get so much done and still seem calm and relaxed.

For example, every single day I write several thousand words of copy. I also answer numerous e-mails, consult with clients, prepare seminar material, interact with numerous partners, look after a large investment portfolio. And I still find time to play tennis and exercise.

(Frankly, I'm not particularly impressed with my own daily accomplishments. I think everyone, including myself, can be more productive by a factor of at least 10. But by comparison with other successful people, there is a huge difference between us. I must admit this significant gap in output prompted me to scribble these words.)

My productivity level is largely a result of my quiet time daily ritual.

** How do I spend my quiet time? **

This is my daily procedure:

1. I just cut off the phone and go to a quiet spot.

2. I meditate for 20 minutes. The best way I've found to learn meditation is either:

-- Take a course in Transcendental Meditation taught in most cities of the world.

-- Get Herb Benson's classic book, The Relaxation Response.

(You can order with this amazon link)

Either way you learn, meditation is equally effective. Plus, you'll be delighted with other benefits such as the measurable physical differences resulting in lower heart rate and lower blood pressure. There are other psychological effects as well, including greater ability to concentrate and focus. (Incidentally, for your information, I wrote a book years ago on meditation myself entitled Anthrocentric Meditation but it has long been out of print.)

3. I keep a journal (unedited - just for my own use) in which I answer two questions every day.
A. What am I feeling?
B. What do I want? This helps me stay in touch with my emotional side. (It is far too easy for me to separate myself from my feelings and become completely disowned, which is an all too common state-- especially for men--in which I spent many years.)

4. An attitude of gratitude. I list all the things large and small.

5. I play a CD of music which I love. It really helps to start with a song in your mind and in your heart.

6. I then identify, review and prioritize the important tasks and challenges which are on my mind.

These usually include:

-- Marketing strategy for my companies or for personal clients
-- Copy themes I've been considering
-- Offer ideas I'm thinking about
-- Business meetings and desired results
-- Important telephone calls
-- Important employee meeting or communication
-- Supplier contact
-- Client communication
Tip: Don't put any more than 7 items on your "to do" list. It's unrealistic to list more as you won't complete them anyway.

Tip: Make the toughest task on your list your number one priority. And do it first. This is crucial for you. Most people do the toughest thing last. This wastes energy and time.

I find from experience that during the quiet time the best ideas, answers, and solutions to challenges arise from my subconscious as if by magic.

Of course, your list of tasks may be similar to mine or completely different. But I assure you, the quiet time result in your life will dramatically boost your success.

I'd be pleased to learn of your experience with quiet time and what it has done for you.

Your correspondent,

Ted Nicholas

Submitted by:

Lisa Nirell

Lisa Nirell is the founder of EnergizeGrowth in Bend, Oregon. For 24 years, she has helped services firms who struggle to attract the market growth and clients they really want. Visit http://www.energizegrowth.com and register for EnergizeNews. You will receive a free 24 page Marketing StartUp Kit.



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