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Seven Characteristics Of A Great Leader - Articles Surfing

We all learn leadership characteristics along the way of life. Parents, teachers, and those buddies that we hang around with all teach us some things about leadership. There is the age-old teaching that 'might makes right.' All I have to be is the strongest or toughest. There are those who try to lead through manipulation or intimidation. You may think that the leader doesn't have to listen to anyone else because he has the authority.

Leaders who use any of these and several other tactics really are not leaders. They may be dictators but they are not leaders. However, good leaders have at least seven characteristics that display their ability to lead.

1.Listeners. As strange as it may seem the first quality is that of being a good listener. Unfortunately most of us are really poor listeners. Of course, we would never admit that out loud. The truth is when someone is talking to us we are formulating our answer. We are trying to solve the problem or have that word of advice that will help them. But most of the time our words are useless because we never took time to listen to the problem. Even if you understand all the words that I use does not mean you understand the intent or use of the words. Some time you should try listening to someone and then repeat back to them what you think you heard them say. See if you are any where close to what that person was actually saying.

2.Expectations. As a leader do those who are following you know what you really expect from them? I suppose we could even ask the leader if he knows what he expects from himself and others. All too often the expectations are vaguely implied but not clearly stated.

3.Trust. Trust is earned and it cannot be demanded. Do those you are trying to lead trust you? Do you trust them to accomplish the given tasks? As a leader people expect honestly and fair treatment. Abuse either and you are not a good leader. It takes a long time to regain trust once it is broken.

4.Guidelines. Everyone needs guidelines. We have to know within what boundaries we are to accomplish the task. I have worked for companies who sat me down at a desk and gave me a brief description of the work that needed to be done. I was pretty much on my own to discover how to accomplish the task, what resources were available for me, and if anyone else would be helping. The number one complaint in industry is not knowing what was expected of them.

5.Vision. A leader has vision. He knows where he is going. He sees the big picture. Followers like to know that the leader actually knows where he is going. They want to be assured that he knows the goal.

6.Passion. A leader needs to be passionate about the task. He needs to be a positive influence. This leader will then look for the positive characteristic in those following and encourage them to develop their skills.

7.Care. A really great leader cares about those who are following. The leader looks out for them. If something goes wrong the leader steps up and defends. He does not pass the blame. He pays attention to the followers and cares if someone is hurting. Dwayne Golden cares about those who follow him. He is there to assist or answer questions or whatever is needed. He is not afraid to help others become as successful or even more successful than he is.

James Heller

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James Heller

I worked in the corporate world for 15 years - oil & gas taxation, payroll account. The next 27 years have been spent in church ministry. Internet Marketing is allowing retirement. http://www.dreamweaverplus.com



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