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Seven Reasons Why Self Confident People Make A Mighty Nation - Articles Surfing

Self-confident people generate money. Self-confident people are filled with optimism and positive thoughts. They have an "i can" attitude towards life and think it is possible to do great things. They are an asset to the organization they work for as they can be given tasks that demand greater responsibility and accountability.

They hence keep up the quality, which in turn helps their employers to reap greater profits and thus contribute to the well being of both employees and the employer.

People like bill gates have contributed millions of dollars to the economies of their countries and have been involved in lots of philanthropic work worldwide as well.

Self-confident people generate jobs. self-confident people are natural risk takers and have enough courage to pursue their innovative dreams. Self-confident people often work very hard for the dreams they believe in and often end up as becoming successful entrepreneurs. They create a lot of jobs for others by their innovative business ventures.

Though Edison faced a lot of difficulties as a child, his mother ensured that his self-confidence did not die. She made all efforts to encourage him and see him become successful. Today ge started by Edison is one of the world's most competitive corporate organizations and is a hugely admired employer of thousands of people

Self-confident people make the nation self dependent entrepreneurs are a great catalyst of growth in any country. They do not sit idly waiting for the government reforms to come and pull them out. Instead they work out innovative ideas, which have commercial feasibility as well. They share the burden of the state by employing other people and giving them jobs.

It saves the government lots of effort and money that could have been wasted in providing for the jobless youth. The money saved can then be routed to other developmental works for the benefit of all. The country does not need to borrow from the organizations like the world bank and can deal with its developmental affairs independently.

Self-confident people present a better image of the nation. A nation of busy people conducting their day-to-day affairs is much better picture than having unemployed people taking on bad habits and creating a nuisance.

Self-confident people are the face of any country, signifying optimism, hard work, determination and self-reliance. This helps the country to portray a picture of hope, dynamism, and growth to foreign investors who would like to conduct business activity and invest money in the country. This help create more and more jobs and a culture of hard work and achievement.

Self-confident people develop a habit of winning. Failure is an addiction and so is winning. It is just a matter of putting your efforts and thoughts in the right direction to become a winner and self-confident people do just that.

A positive thought and self-confidence is what is needed to take an initiative, and a small achievement becomes the source of energy.

This energy also gives a boost to the self-confidence of a person to take on a bigger leap and get successful.

Thus every achievement breeds another initiative for yet another achievement!

Self-confident people help other people achieve their dreams. A person other than having the feeling of kindness and compassion for fellow human beings should also have enough resources or the ability to create resources to be able to help other people for the same.

Self-confident people therefore are willing to give a helping hand to people and pull them up.

Self-confident people are an inspiration to others. self-confident people succeed on both their professional and personal fronts. Self-confident people are respected and often spark others to perform as well and serve as a great inspiration for other people.

People take a lesson from their struggles and their ability to turn failure into achievement.

Self-confident people strengthen the fabric of society. An idle mind is a devil's workshop. Self-confident people in a way save the society from the devil by being busy and involved in constructive activities. People tend to get inspired from self- confident people and the general atmosphere becomes that of hard work and achievement. Such an environment is conducive for growth and development and self-confident people should be given every credit for the same.

This overall movement raises the overall self-confidence of the nation and makes it more competitive and a confident participant in the world economic scenario.

Submitted by:

Emmanuel Segui

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